Boo boos

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Your p.o.v
You begin to slowly push back into consciousness, your eyes starting to flutter open. Your back was hurting from lying on the hard floor of Papyrus' room for so long as you try and remember the events that had happened before you passed out, but all you could remember was some burglar that had forced you to inhale the sickly sweet toxin of Chloroform. Your fever was extremely high and you had developed a headache as if someone had dropped you. As your vision adjusted you saw Papyrus (or what you assumed was Papyrus since he looked like a big orange blur) hovering over you in a threatening manner. He was holding something that to you looked like a big black blur in his hands. Finally you open your eyes fully and your vision was no longer hazy. You attempt to sit up, only to find Papyrus' body was preventing you from doing so. You look at him questioningly until you see what he's holding. A black golf club. The same one you had used to try and defend yourself with. He was glaring at you, his left eye socket violently glowing a deep shade of orange. At that point you were just confused and fearful. What was going on? "Why?" was the word that had escaped Papyrus' mouth, tearing you from your thoughts. "Why'd you do it kid? Why'd you fuck up my house? Why'd you fuck up my trust for you? Why'd you fuck up my brother?" Papyrus said, hate and anger dripping from each and every word he spoke;  his last word making you wince from how harshly he had said it. Papyrus just remained there, waiting patiently for your answer. "Papyrus? What're you talking about? I never hurt Sans at-AHHH!" you throw your head back and let out a scream of pain as Papyrus had struck your rib cage with the golf club. It hurt so bad that it felt like someone had dropped two toasters on your ribs from the eleventh floor. The blow was hard enough to fracture your rib, but soft enough as to not break it completely. "LIAR! How could you do something like that and NOT fess up to it?!" Hot tears ran down your cheeks as you held your hand over your mouth to quiet your loud sobs. "Now, I'm gonna ask you again and this time you better not lie to me." Papyrus said threateningly. Then he got real close to your face, his whole body covering yours. He was so close that you could smell his cigarette-scented breath hitting your face. "Why'd. You. Fuck. Up. My. Brother?" You gulped and lied still under Papyrus, just staring at him. Seeing that you were taking too long to answer, Papyrus roughly gripped your wrist and tore your hand off your mouth causing you to gasp. "PAPYRUS YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME! I DIDN'T HURT HIM! I DIDN'T MESS UP YOUR HOUSE! I DIDN'T DO ANY OF IT!" you yelled at him in a desperate attempt to stop this unjust torture. You could see how impatient Papyrus was becoming with you. Papyrus released a sigh, slowly stood up, and stared at you. You breathe a sigh of relief thinking that he had finally calmed down from his crazy rampage. As you were about to sit up and explain what had happened to you, you see a cloud of magic orange mist surround your body and raise you into mid air. You look down at your body then at Papyrus to see his left hand, also covered in the magic orange mist, raised in the air. You braced yourself knowing what was gonna happen next. In an instance Papyrus had sharply brought down his left hand and aimed it to the floor, causing your entire body to roughly slam belly-first against the floor of Papyrus' room. You yelped out in pain and grasped the spot where Papyrus had hit you with the golf club after it hit the ground at the speed of light, more tears quickly streaming down your cheeks. You began stuttering unintelligible pleas and cries for help in between your loud sobs as your body was being magically lifted into mid air once again and this time was slammed into the wall, your head harshly smacking against the solid wood surface causing you to almost faint. You squeeze your eyelids shut and begin sobbing even louder from the pain you were in, the magic hold Papyrus had on your body keeping you metaphorically glued to the wall. Your head and ribcage were in excruciating pain; it was just too much to bare. Finally, Papyrus released you from his magic bonds causing you to slide down the wall and fall to the ground on your side. You lied still for a moment to try and catch your breath, sobbing and letting tears mix into Papyrus' carpet. You feel your head painfully pulsating and slowly reach a shaky hand up to the spot where the wall had slammed into it. It was wet. Really wet in fact. You quickly bring your hand back down in front of your eyes and almost scream. Your entire hand was coated in a warm dark red substance that you quickly identified as your own blood. You feel more of your blood slowly streaming down your face from the head wound. Just as you were about to lay your head on the ground to peacefully slip back into unconsciousness, you felt Papyrus roughly grab your hair and yank your entire upper body up so your face was directly staring back into his. You couldn't tell what he was feeling. His eye sockets were pitch black; no pupils. He just gazed at your bleeding face, thinking. Finally he sighed and roughly dropped you on the ground. You remained laying on the ground sniffling and bleeding. After a few moments Papyrus speaks up. "(y/n), I'll give you one chance to get out of my sight, out of my house, and out of my life. Stay away from Sans and I forever. Just go." he said with his back turned to you. Suddenly you felt a fire light inside of you. Despite the immense pain and fear you were feeling, you felt something else too. You felt...determined. Determined to clear your name. Determined to show Papyrus the truth. reconcile your short lived friendship with him. Blood stained your clothes and was smeared all over your face. Your ribcage was still in extreme pain and your brain was screaming at you to take him up on his offer and flee from the building, but you didn't. Instead you sat up on one knee with one hand cradling your head and the other was on the ground keeping your body from falling down again. Then once you had enough strength you slowly stood up; you tumbled a bit almost falling back down, and had to place a hand on the wall behind you to level yourself.  You were shaking, panting,  and dripping (not in the good way 😏) blood and tears. You looked over at Papyrus who was still in the same position as before as you quickly straighten your back and stand up completely, still dizzy and in pain, and hobble over to him. Papyrus turned his head slightly as he hears your footsteps approaching from behind him. Before he could react though, you had already done the unthinkable. Papyrus froze with his eyesockets wide open. Despite the fact that this was the same guy that had almost killed you just now, you were now hugging him from behind. Your arms wrapped around Papyrus' sides as you rested your head on his back. This wasn't a tight quick friendly hug, no. This was a warm, everlasting,  and affectionate embrace. You knew you were about to faint again, but you didn't want to let go of Papyrus. Your heart was pounding in your ears and your breathing was hot and heavy as you gently squeezed Papyrus as hard as you could one last time before sliding off of Papyrus' back and falling onto the floor with a light thud. The room was spinning and your ears were filling with a high pitched ringing sound. Just before you were gonna pass out completely you saw Sans, a dinosaur wearing armor, and a blue fish lady in a lab coat quickly rush into the doorway of Papyrus' room. Sans fell to his knees in shock when he saw you in your current state while the dinosaur looked away covering the quivering fish lady's eyes. You let out a light giggle that only you could hear at how funny the whole situation was. Here you were, probably about to die, in a room surrounded by two magic skeletons,  a dinosaur, and a human-like fish scientist. "How the hell did my life end up like this?" was the last thing you thought before everything went black.
Hey guys!  I'm SOOOOOOO sorry for missing last week's deadline! You should know by now I can't keep promises!!  I hate promises just as much as Sans 'cause they're so hard to keep!! Anyways, this time I'll TRY to be faster with the next chapter, 'k?  Thanks for all your patience and support so far,  byeeeeeee!!!

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