Q and A

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Hey there peoplz! Undertaleislife101 here with the first question and answer chapter of this story! Now this isn't an official chapter of the story, it's just a quick a little chapter to answer some of the questions I've received from you all! Okay here we go:

Q: If this is an underswap fanfic then why isn't gaster switched out with monster kid or someone else?
A: Simple. Well for one I find Gaster to be the creepiest character out of them all and I just couldn't find another monster creepy enough to fill his role. And for two notice how in the chapter "The man who speaks in hands", you first meet gaster in the void. In my version of underswap, there is only one void in the whole multiverse. From the void, Gaster can see his sons from every single undertale au (underfell, swapfell, Outertale, etc)  except for underswap. Hopefully that answers your question for that!

Q: Why do all your chapters take so long to come out?!
A: You'll notice how I always apologise profusely in most of my author notes for taking so long with a particular chapter. This is because of many factors. The biggest factor is that I'm trying to maintain my status of an honors student who's in the national high school beta club which is a hard thing to do when your procrastination is as bad as mine. Another factor is that I sometimes run out of ideas for my next chapter so I'll spend a long while trying to construct the next part in my head.

Q: What was the importance of the character of Amanda from the chapter "The misunderstanding"?
A: Well I'm keeping a lot of things secret right now because I don't want to spoil any future chapters, but I will say one thing. Doesn't Amanda's black slimy tentacles remind you of someone? :)

Q: Why is this story so fast paced? So far it's only been three days in the story and already the main character is in a coma.
A: For dramatic effect my friend! Also, if I drag out the boring parts for too long people will begin to get uninterested in my story and forget about it!

Q: I'm confused. In one of the chapters, where we read from Papyrus's p.o.v, he was talking about Chara escaping the underground. But then in the next chapter, it started saying Frisk. Which is it?
A: Sorry dear reader! You should know that I sometimes make minor mistakes in my writing. Like whenever I'm adding a new part to my story and then I'm so sleepy that I end up forgetting that this is an underswap fanfic where Chara and Frisk are switched. But just letting you know, Chara is in Frisk's position and vice virsa.

Q: Will you be making other fanfics in the future for other undertale AU's?
A: Yes I will be! Also I'm considering creating fanfictions for other fandoms too. If you all feel like sending in requests for me to write other fanfictions for other fandoms feel free too! Hopefully people will still be interested in Undertale by then! And it's funny 'cause I've already begun to start on another fanfic at the same time as this one. Betcha can't guess the undertale AU of this fanfic!

Q: Undertale is almost two years old now, why don't you move onto something else?
A: ............I love Undertale. Seriously. I can't get enough of it. I've played the game 5 times in a row on my laptop and all those times were the pacifist route 'cause I couldn't bear the thought of making Sans cry or killing Papyrus! I'm infatuated with the wonderful fanmade art, fanmade songs, and fanmade fanfics surrounding Undertale as well! It's just a really great fandom that helps me get through my daily stress of life.

Q: Undertale sucks.
A:.............*pushes asker off a cliff onto sharp rocks below* People who say such things don't deserve life.

Well would you look at the time? It's 1 in the morning and I'm very tired so I'll have to go for now! Submit more questions to me and I'll be sure to answer them into eh next Q/a! Bye for now!

Underswap Papyrus X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now