The man who speaks in hands

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Your p.o.v
Your eyes begin to softly flutter open once again as you slowly wake up in the middle where..."Huh? Where am I?" You think to yourself. You warily sit up on the ground and groggily rub your eyes until they fully open. As you look up you're immediately taken by surprise at the sight of your gray surroundings. You were completely surrounded by a thick gray fog and there was no object, person, or monster that you could see for miles! You blink a few times in confusion before all your memories came flooding back like a tsunami. Papyrus. The golf club. The blood. Sans. You start freaking out as you remember the wounds Papyrus had caused and quickly slide your hand across your forehead fully expecting it to be wet with blood, but to your surprise your head was dry. You peered down at your arms and hands only to find them dry as well. You desperately scrubbed at your face with your hands and looked at them. Dry. You closely examined the orange hoodie and black boxers Papyrus had lent you. Not even a single drop of blood. Now that you thought about it, the pain in your ribcage was gone too. So was your fever and your heavy breathing and-wait. You place your hand on your chest for a few moments and stand still. Nothing.... Your eyes widenend as you came to the realization that you weren't even breathing. In fact, your heart wasn't even beating! You pressed your fingers against the pulse in your wrist. Nothing. You slice your arm with your fingernail attempting to draw blood, but you saw none of the vibrant red liquid you were so desperate to see. You hadn't even left so much as a scratch on your arm! You harshly rip your hand away from your arm and groan in frustration. Suddenly a bone chilling thought crept into your head. A thought you couldn't help but think up in a situation like this. "Am I dead?!". You processed the words you had just thought up before furiously shaking your head in denial and falling to your knees. "B-but...I can't be dead! There's so much I haven't done yet! There's no way that I'm dead!!!". You just sat on the ground and cupped your face in your hands attempting to cry, but your body couldn't even produce a single liquid. You heaved a sad sigh and sat crosslegged on the ground while staring at the orange sleeves of Papyrus' hoodie. Why did he do what he did? Papyrus, who you admit was your favorite, had betrayed you. He threw you around like a ragdoll and ended up killing you, but over what? You didn't know what you had done to make the tall skeleton hate you so much. You haven't even known the skeleton brothers for more than three days and you ended up getting killed. You smirked at how pathetic your life had been up until now and slowly stood back up on your bare feet. You looked around and still saw nothing but the gray ground and gray fog for miles. "Is this...Heaven?" You thought deeply confused. You saw no gates of gold or singing choir angels so you assumed that you weren't. Finally you decided to speak up over the slim chance that someone would hear you. "Hello? Is anybody here?!" you shouted. Your voice echoed throughout the gray plain as you waited patiently, but nobody came. Figures. You rolled your eyes and were getting ready to shout again when all of a sudden you felt something wet and slimy grip your shoulder. You slowly looked down in fear as you saw a small black tentacle on your shoulder. You shook in fear as you sensed someone standing behind you, watching you. All of a sudden you heard a low pitched glitchy voice mumble "GReeTiNGS. I aM GAsTer." You slowly turned around and almost fainted. Standing behind you was a tall figure covered in black sludge with a pale round face and two gaping holes for eyes. The creature had a long permanent smile carved into it's face which made you feel uneasy. It took all your strength not to start running in the opposite direction and screaming in fear. Instead you mustered up all of your courage and replied with a quiet "W-where am I...?" The creature, supposedly named Gaster, was now standing in front of you in all it's terrifying glory. "YoU mEAn yoU dON't KnoW? YoU'rE IN tHe VOid Of coUrSe. ANythINg tHaT EnDs uP iN tHE VoID CEAsEs tO eXiSt In AnY anD aLL tIMeliNES." You blinked a few times before making the connection that you no longer existed. You had just been wiped from everyone's memories and erased from existence. Just like that? "Impossible...there's no way I don't exist anymore!!! Is there any way I can get back to my own timeline?!" you shouted worridly. Suddenly it had appeared that Gaster's already wide eerie smile had become more sinister than before. "WhY, FunNY You SHoUlD mENTion. I HaPpen tO knOW tHe WAy ouT As a MATTer oF fACT." Gaster said in his glitchy voice. You felt a wave of relief wash over you as you looked excitedly up at Gaster. "i CAn tElEpoRT yOU baCK to yOuR TiMelINe." Gaster said finally. "Really?! Oh yes yes yes! Please do it! Do it now!" you squealed with delight. Gaster placed one disembodied floating hand on your shoulder making you calm down a bit. "ON onE conDiTiOn. i'Ll tElEpoRT yOu bACK tO YOur tIMeLine iF yOu leT mE peRForm a sImpLE pRoceDURe oN You". Your stomach started to feel queesy at the mention of a procedure. You had a deathly grave fear of surgery back when you were alive and you still do. A group of people slicing you open and poking and prodding at your insides didn't sound very appealing to you, but it was either go under the knife or stay in the void for the rest of eternity. No competition there. "You've got yourself a deal..." you whispered in a fearful voice. Gaster's permanent, sinister smile somehow grew even wider at your response. "ExcElLeNt...let's bEgIn tHE prOceDURe immEDIatElY " he said with an evil tone in his voice. "Um, wait! What kind of procedure is it? Are you gonna-" you were cut off mid sentence by a giant black slimy tentactle that was bigger than you tightly wrapping around your midsection. The tentacle tightly squeezed you as if it was an anaconda. You felt immense pressure building up in your throat and eyes as the room around you started spinning and growing darker. "OH juSt a SimPLe OcuLAr pRocEDure. I NeeD To kEep aN eYE On mY soNS, bUt I caN'T LeAve The vOid wIthOUt a hUmaN sOuL. LUckY For yOu i'M wIllINg to spArE yOu jUst as lOnG As yOu lET me 'aLtER' yoUR VIsiOn. NOw sTay sTIll chILD, i'D tEll You tHis woN'T HurT a BIt bUT thEN I'd be LYiNg..." Gaster said emitting a deep mad scientist laugh afterwards. Oh helllll no! Not my eyes! Anything but my eyes!!  You thought to yourself. "W-wait I change my mind! I don't wanna do it anymore!!" You managed to say despite the giant tentacle crushing your vocal cords. Suddenly two small black tentacles shoot out from behind Gaster and start to slowly creep towards your face. Then both tentacles stop only centimeters away from each of your eyes. Both of the tentacles form into small drills and start drilling the air making a high pitched whirring sound, still only centimeters from your eyes. The last thing you heard was Gaster mumble "sLEep tIgHT" under his breath before both drill-like tentacles drilled painfully into your eye sockets causing a loud sequence of ongoing screams of pain and agony to fill the air. Your vision snapped and you could no longer see anything. The pain was so intense that you eventually just fell limp in Gaster's ginat tentacle.
Hello lovely readers!! Sorry this chapter took weeks to produce! I've been really busy and all that mess! I'll spare you the whole "why I was busy" explanation so don't worry! Now idk how long it'll be till the next chapter but probe not long! Thanks for supporting me this far and thank you soooooooo much for being patient!!! Love ya'll!!!

Underswap Papyrus X Female ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang