I ✥ Please Stop

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"P-please... No! Stop... I-I-... You can have all my money!"


"A-AAH! N-no! I'm sorry! I'll finish it on time...! Your homework I'll do that too! H-help you cheat on your tests to?!"

Uncontrollable sobs.

"Shut your faggot mouth!!"


"No please! Stop!"


"This is your fault!"

Rips and tears

"But what did I-I do...?!"



It's been like this ever since I could remember... Daily beat ups over money, lack of completed tasks or over the fact that I was smarter, was common. But the most frustrating part about this all is that more than the majority of the times... It's for no reason. None. Nada. Nothing. At fucking. All. They just pull me into a corner, shove me into a locker, lock it and then just leave... Just. Fucking. Leave. You'd think that would be hard considering my large stature but you'd be surprised by what a lot of force can do.

Honestly... I'd love being locked away from everything and finally be able to be at peace... If it weren't for my crippling fear of tight spaces. Within minutes I'd be on the floor (If possible) gasping for air and knocking on the cold and harsh metal to be let out, only to be mocked by the others laughter as it faded away, further, and further. Glob... I just want to... Want to... Want to rip off all their heads!! Is it my well kept fluorescent hair? My clothes? My favourite colour? The fact I'm smarter than them? Or even far richer than them?! That drives them to taunt me in such a way? At least the teachers were on my side, to which I'm very grateful.

Whatever it was, I don't have to worry about it anymore. Finally, with days and days of begging and nagging my parents to change my school, I'm being transferred! Barnaby Gumball will finally be able to study and be at peace in a school where I'm not everyone's punching bag! No worries! No fears!

As the annoying alarm clock rang, I was knocked out of my thoughts about the past. I had been awake for an hour now and had prepared everything for this day the previous night. I didn't really have anyone but myself in this giant mansion so no one came to wake me up and wish me good luck like I'd normally would've liked or gotten. Sometimes it's nice to be alone but when you never have anyone around you for months on end, it gets very lonely...

Don't get me wrong, I have a very 'loving' family, well, mom and sis sure love me and accept me... My dad though... He's definitely a dad... He's never really liked me... You see, I was born from a woman that my dad was dating after marrying my mom for four years and having my sis for two years. Her name I was told was Pepper Montoya. Mother told me that she was a beautiful woman. Natural bright pearl white hair that bobbed just below her jaw, it shone like the moonlight ribbons in the ebony sky. She often streaked her hair with red to match my dad's, though, it would never be able to be as richly natural red as his ever was. I guess that's why my hair is so pink... You can even see separate strands of white and red in my hair too! It's so unnaturally natural! Back to the main topic though. I wasn't told what happened in detail but all I knew was that she was supposedly in some sort of underground crime thing and was caught and sentenced to life long jail. The court, nor she knew that she was already two months pregnant when she was caught. when they did find out was when she tried escaping, hurting herself in the process and was forced into a hospital. As an 'apology' for messing up and sending a pregnant woman to jail, she was sentenced free of all charges. As anyone would do, she went to my dad for a home to stay in, for the love she longed for, and for the care she'd need to protect me. My dad didn't accept her, nor did he agree to pay for child support, he didn't have much of a say in it though. My mother took her in and cared for her instead. She wasn't happy with it at first but due to circumstances, they tolerated each other -actually turning in to great friends later on! Sadly, my actual mother didn't survive the operation, thus forcing me into my dad's custody (which he didn't want what so ever, he was already dealing with my sister, he didn't want to deal with me too) ever since then, he's just hated me. Hated me for being born. Hating me for reminding him of Pepper. You should've seen the look on his face when my mom finally suggested transferring me to a different school, he was so fucking. Happy. Not even a week passed and I was tossed into this mansion, that he owned, in the middle of a very run down and ghetto-like area. Mom wanted to come along but dad being a dad, he forbid it. Apparently, he'll be sending money monthly and not any small pocket money, a grand amount of money. Guess he wants me gone that bad, huh? Just so child care won't be a stick up his ass, he also told my uncle, Lennon Grabenstein, to do a monthly check up that would supposedly last a week. "He's not that bad, just hard to understand" as my mother usually tells me. He's a maniac! He's just like my dad, being his cousin and all, he hates me just as much as he hates my dad! Just like my dad's hate for me, Lennon's hate for me is over Pepper too: she was his ex that he never got over.

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