III ✥ A Friend.

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I mean... It wasn't that bad?

The day went off normal. The good normal. My classes sure seemed like they were going to be really stressful but I'll manage it. It's not arduous work, just very tedious right now. It's the type of work you really don't need to do and you'd be better off not doing but the teachers are just shit eating monster who will dock marks off if you don't do it BUT won't give you marks for doing it. How is this fair? So far, the first two period teachers are ok. You do your work and take down the notes off the board and you're good, pretty laid back too. They seemed very sweet so far and I'm sure, if I did my best, I'd get on their good side in no time!

"Yo, Barnaby!"

I met this... Girl. Friend? I don't know what she is. I met her the period before this, math class, and ever since then she's been following and showing me around this school. She was short and pudgy, very curvy in fact but it was quite attractive rather than something that could be used to be made fun of. She had long locks of golden hair that reached below her butt and the most gorgeous facial features I have ever seen on a woman besides my mother and my sister. Glob. Why is she hanging with such a dork like me?

Apparently, all the boys on the football team and in the school, in general, are scared of competing against her. Odd. She's horrible at math, I tried explaining the question to her but she just wasn't getting it. Though she's very persistent and very dedicated about what she does, I gotta give it to her for that.

I currently sat with said female at a cafeteria table. I was supposed to be eating and paying attention to her talk but I was doing neither of those two things. It wasn't until I was shaken violently by two strong hands that I snapped out of my thoughts, finally giving the attention she needed. "Hey! What's got you all bonked up? I've been calling your name for ages now!" She sighed and let go of me, walking back to the spot she had sat in, right in front of me, before taking her seat and recollecting herself. "Anyways. Don't you have anything to eat? I don't suggest you buy the disgusting food from the cafeteria. They rip you off and even I can shit out better food than they can cook."

I looked down at the cool grey table, admiring its simplicity and lack of food that was supposed to be my lunch. "Well... I did plan on buying something." Lies. "But hearing how bad the food is, I'd rather not." Do I still really have to lie to her when I've just met her? I don't even remember her name properly! Oh well, it's better if I don't worry her then get her involved in my shitty issues. I've never really eaten a lot. It just seems like a waste of time and energy. My mother always forced me to eat, no matter how many times I said I wasn't hungry but she is a mother after all. She knows how to make me eat. Besides, I didn't like making my mother do more than she's already done for me so I only argue once and then eat what's given without caring what it was. I miss her already... I miss her home cooked meals... I miss her voice asking me if I was hungry... I don't want to be alone here... God... I hate my dad so much! But it is what it is. I asked for this.

The girl gave me a big grin, show casing her one chipped tooth on the front. "You can have some of mines then! Cake always packs in A LOT of food for me (which I eat all of) but I don't mind sharing it with you!"

My head instantly shoots up at her, watching her in both extreme shock and confusion. What the actual fuck is wrong with her?! Sure, she's chubby but not that fat. I thought she was going to save all that food to give to all her other friends. Like, at least 10 more people. And on top of that, she's sharing? With me? She met me an hour ago! Wow...

What's A Slave, To Its KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora