VII ✥ Break up

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||{ This chapter is specifically for @sparkly_gumball1216 's birthday! Happy belated B-Day love! }||


Grin and bear it.

"So, did you get it...?" LSP spoke quietly, leaning towards Marshall just a tad bit more to ensure a little more secrecy. Maybe a bit too secretly. Lee wasn't aware of what his partner was trying to ask for, it certainly wasn't the assignment question they were working on because LSP could give less of a shit about it and whatever it was, Marshall didn't want to waste his time figuring out. So, instead, he merely cocked up a brow at the latter, waiting for him to elaborate further.

With a roll of his eyes and an exaggerated sigh, LSP rephrased: "The number, Marshall. Did you get it? I asked you to get the nerds number, and you said you'd get it, so did you?"

Marshall contemplated for a few seconds, deciding whether or not he should give it. It wasn't like he was getting anything return so it wouldn't if he gave it or not. Pushing his lips to the side, he put his hands into his pocket and decided to give the number when Fionna interrupted, stopping him midway. "Don't give him the number!" She commanded "he's going to ruin the only good person in this school!" Fionna did have a point but why would Marshall care?

"What's in it for me though? I don't care either way." Marshall only cared about himself and his close friends. He didn't see why he should care what happened to Barnaby after giving his number away to someone he's probably never seen. Though, if he could somehow benefit from this exchange, he wouldn't mind.

Larry pushed his lips to the side, contemplating what he could offer but he didn't have much. He was the son of one of the few people who were rich and powerful, but he hated his parents. The violet-haired male lived alone much like Lee but would occasionally be sent money to survive, from his parents. Regardless of that, he wasn't going to offer money. "Well..." He thought, "how about a blow j-..."

"No." Marshall cut him off as soon as he figured what Larry was offering. "Don't you dare bring your- your anything near my dick." Larry rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue before flipping the raven-haired male off.

The only thing Larry could do now was let out a sigh in defeat. He wasn't going to be more than he already had so. Instead, he decided just to turn around and for once, work. "Fuck you, I'll get it myself..."

Fionna held back a laugh, looking at Marshall to see if he returned the same expression and to her surprise, she didn't. Lee sat quietly and (surprisingly) correctly at the stolen desk. He'd decided to skip all his classes again and sit with Larry and Fionna for their English class. Marshall, of course, wasn't upset about anything Larry had said but instead, had other thoughts running through his mind. Whatever it was though, it had Marshall in deep and serious thought. "Uh-" Fionna stopped herself from distracting the raven-haired man but eventually, her curiosity got the best of her. "Marshall? What's up, dude?"

Marshall slowly turned his head towards her, eyes still affixed at the spot the once stared at, still dazed slightly, but he forced himself to focus entirely on her. "Nothing, baby doll. ~" his instinctive flirting kicked in, adding a wink to his statement even though he wasn't in a flirting mood.

Fionna rolled her eyes, gagging internally a little at the wink and the pet name. "That was disgusting, don't try and call me that again." Marshall gave half a smirk and a half-assed nod in response. "And if nothing really is up, why don't you go to your class for once?"

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