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Alright , im posting every week since I have a few pieces written on my phone imma slide those into chapters.


I Needa Know Whaat You Think! ~ Keeep Itt Triiilll !

Emoni POV

*Bang , Bang , Bang*

The guy hammered the door and we were just stuck. Eyes locked we were frozen. I got a hand full of

shit , she got a hand full of shit and we couldn't move. I felt for a minute like I was in a bank heist and the

police were banging at the glass of the bank. I don't know if its the bud that got me thinking the police is

on the other side of the door when I know there ain't.


I turned my head to Cassie slowly. Fucking with that Chronic and white willow my ass is bugged the

fuck out right now. Shits all distorted and green and shit. The fucking walls are talking for fucks sake

singing Kendrick Lamar , Bitch don't kill me vibe. So I started dancing.

Cassie POV

This nigga is over here bumping to imaginary music while im trying to get us the fuck outta here. I

smacked him up side the head then held his mouth. He bit my hand so I slapped him. He rubbed his

face and pointed to the back door.

I nodded. We slowly made out way towards the doors. We went to open it and it was locked. The door

sounded like it was cracking from the continuous banging. I jumped at the crashing sound outside.

'Fuck!' I mouthed.

"Aye!" The dude yelled.

I mentally kicked myself for thinking to much. I heard the sound of guns cocking. Me and Emoni slowly turned around.

"Little fucking thieves! Should I kill yall or naah?"

I was stuck and Emoni was zoned staring from the broken wood on the floor to the wall.

"Welp looks like you rather die."


"Okay so speak." He looked at me hungrily. His eyes ranked every curve of my body , he licked his lips.

"I - Uh" I stuttered

"Its for her nigga , her nigga." Emoni broke in jamming to his imaginary music again. Man I wish I was

on his level right now because seriously I wouldn't be stuck.

"Is he all right?"

I shook my head.

"Why you so nervous girl?"

"I got like ten guns in my face though meng."

"Iight get out me and shorty gunna talk this out "

The guys left it was just me and Emoni in here with this guy.

"Aye , you to."

"You cool my nigga , my nigga?" He asked bouncing now , and leaning back rolling his arms. I shook my head.

"Iight my nigga , my nigga." He said still  bouncing now , and leaning back rolling his arms as he walked out.

Here I am standing stare and eye to eye with a man with a gun in his hands and a sinister smirk. I got

no weapons and my brother is tweaked the fuck out of his mind. What the fuck is life??

Troy POV

*Beep , Beep , Beep.* I blinked my eyes as I rolled my head side to side slowly. I feel fucking

nauseas for one and I got a serious head ache. I got a nasty ass taste in my mouth and this light is

bright as fuckery even though everythings a little blury. Everything was spinning then I got a severe

pain in my arm and leg. I yelled in pain it was fucking unbarable. A nurse came scrambling in and put

something in the tube that was connected to my arm and leg. The pain slowly subsided.

"God Troy im sorry."Ilda said holding her chest breathing heavily. I frowned at her. I haven't seen

her since Cassie was in the hospital almost a year ago. She completely stopped coming to visit and

no lie it had me feeling some type of way.

She came to me with a few sheets of paper and a clip board.

"Here all the fucking questions come." I grunted.

She rolled her eyes. "The doctor will be in soon."

"Why'd you stop coming over?" I asked her.

"Don't tell me you have a thing for lil ole me." She said poking her booty out. That shit was nice and firm. So round and luscious.

"Just maybe." I said seductively.

"Hmm, I can tell." She said looking at my dick. I looked down and saw that I was completely standing

at attention. I smirked. "Ignoring this ." I slid a pillow from my head and put it over my dick.

"Forreal why you stop coming."

"Did you see what you were doing to Cassie?"

"Showing her the streets."

"No you were beating her , blaming her for your parents death , it wasn't her fault but that slipped ya 

mind when you first put your hands on her."


She shook her head smiling. She caressed my face. "Your so sexy , you just don't understand but I

see the way you treat that girl I cant imagine how you'd treat me."

"Wait what?" Okay im seriously fucking lost.

"Troy we both know-"

"Hows my patient doing?"

"He's talking which means he's doing some type of thinking."

"Good , Good now lets crack down these questions so we can find out how long we'll be keeping you."

I sighed. What was she talking about? We both know what? Fuck why this nigga gotta come in her meng.

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