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Miles slid his arm around my waist getting in bed pressing his lips to my shoulder. I turned over and he smiled at me kissing my forehead. 

He pulled me closer I put my head in his chest. 

"You know sometimes I wonder what if you left that day - before I got in X's house or If I just woulda went in shooting I wouldve never met you."

"I wouldnt have met you if I never met X."

"True." He said tensing up slightly. I snuggled more into him.

"Last night - I dont know what I was doing. For some reason I was just full of rage. After you left I went and killed X."


. "Yeah I killed him then you called when me and Chris went to kill Crystal."

"I uh - what?"

I sighed tilting my head back. "I . Killed . Xavier."

"Wow - it was that easy?"

"To kill him yeah finding him? Not really."

"Damn , howd you feel after."

"I felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders , all the pain and stress he put on me over the years , the hold he had on me just left when I laid that bullet in his head after beating the shit out of him. I did it for my nana for the fact that he killed her and my Moms and my Father cus I know hes the last person they wouldve wanted to see me with."

He slid his fingers in mine. I smiled thinking of my mom a tear falling from my eye I used my free hand to wipe it away.

"Wait - why would you kill Crystal?" He asked.

I let go of his hand turning over.

He put his hand on my hip turning me to lay on my back.

"Tell me now."

"Miles im not telling you anything." 

"Why not?" He said sounding slightly hurt.

"Because that part of my past is pretty hard to deal with."

"Baby im right here - I aint going no where." 

"I know." I sighed laying my head on his stomach lettting my feet hang off the bed. 

"So tell me."

I sighed again knowing he wasnt going to stop asking. 

"Where do I start? - Back then it was just me Crystal and Chris. Aint shit else matter it was just us. Went around telling everyone we was sisters and by bond in our hearts thats what we were." My breath caught in my throat as my eyes watered. I sat up taking a deep breath.

"My chest still aches even thinking about it.  It was late we were pushing shit hard body and any drug you could name we had it. One night Crystal was acting mad funny mad off you know? Chris just kept begging me to come home with her that we had enough money that it wasnt safe. But I didnt listen I stayed and that night in that trap house I lost everything." I said silent tears running down my face.

"Everything?" Miles asked.

"Yes , Everything." I wiped my tears.

"Because of whatever she did while I was in the bathroom I was beaten brutally in there five niggas held me down and stripped me of my last innocence. They slit my sides with knives while they choked me and beat me. The last thing I remember from that night was fading in and out and I caught a glimpse of the house empty and Chris filling a duffle bag. Im calling for her and shes not answering but im calling and calling she looks at me and laughs then she walked out the door slamming it then I dont know what happened." I said sobbing into Miles chest. He wrapped his arms around me securely half way through.

I Promise Princess: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now