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  • Dedicated to my incredible fans :) thank you for nonstop support<3

I own all copyrights. This is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

Copyright © Explosivewafflez 2013

All Rights Reserved

I've felt happiness at its greatest, and I've felt depressed to the core, but there's nothing worse than being numb and feeling no more. -Unknown

The sky was gray and the streets were layered with black ice. Snow covered everything except the roads, which had been reduced to slush from the constant tires running over the frosty water. The sidewalk was wet and frozen puddles were scattered in different areas on the concrete. I was forced to keep stepping in the icy pockets of water. The air had a chill that turned my breath into wisps of fog. This wasn't just winter in my small town in Alaska. This was weather that was present year-round.

I was on my way home from a friend's house down the road. He didn't live that far, maybe a block away at the most. Walking cleared my head, so I didn't care whether I got a ride or not. The sudden piercing wail of a siren drew my attention. An ambulance flew past me up the road. I wondered what it was about. When I made it back home, the front yard was crawling with police. I spotted the ambulance in the driveway and ran forward. A black body bag was being carried out on a stretcher. My eyes widened. My dad held my sobbing mother in the doorway. I dodged a cop that tried to push me back and raced to them. I hadn't stepped foot on the porch before I heard my father speak.

"He's dead..."

My mother began wailing my brother's name.

Scott was the only one missing from the scene.

The ice had finally frozen me.

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