Chapter Fourteen - Blackbird Fly

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The song "Blackbird" is posted to the side there :) ---> You'll know when to play it. 


Spring separates the clouds and melts the frost of winter. Summer comes in a lazy lull to light up the world and bathe the globe in what feels like a never-ending heat. Three months passed and it was now the month of June. Things had changed tremendously. I let myself open up to the world. I was cautious at first, but it came easier than I ever thought it would. I had grown to form bonds with everyone in our circle. Jason and I's first real bonding experience was trashing Trevor, so Jason and I already had mutual friendship since then. We, and couple of his team members, often played football at his house during the slow days of summer. Miles, with a little guidance from me, took Vanessa out on a date at the end of May. It was the beginning of June now, and they were in a happy relationship. So far, I was happy.

"Corren!" Emily shrieked. "Don't you dare!"

It was too late. I snatched Emily up bridal style and threw her into the lake. I jumped in with her and burst from the cool water laughing hysterically. Emily's face was twisted in anger for second before she too fell into fits of laughter.

Emily, Miles, Jason, Harper and I, along with the rest of the group, took a trip to lake hidden in the woods. Jem had discovered it long ago, and bought the land. He told me how he refurbished the cabin and that I was more than welcome to spend the summer there with friends. There were hardly any disturbances by other teens, considering it was kept in secret as not to destroy the breath-taking scenery. Apparently Jem hired a land-lord to watch over the cabin. Now that summer here Jem allowed us camp out and have the time of our lives.

Emily splashed me with water.

I wriggled my eyebrows. "Oh, you want to play that game, huh?"

I sent a miniature tidal wave towards her.

She screech and giggled trying to splash me back.

I laid on my back and let myself float in the water. The trees were tall and a bright shade of green for the summer. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the windless, scorching weather made it perfect for swimming. Miles let out a shout and jumped into the lake from a tire-swing tied to a tree. Emily and I cheered and clapped. Jason dived in next, leaving Harper reading a magazine under the shade with Gabe; neither of them enjoyed the heat- or water for that matter, but they were being good sports about it.

"I give you a seven!" Gabe called out.

"Eight." Harper echoed.

"Love you, Babe!" Jason shouted with a grin.

Emily paddled next to me and joined me in floating. "Having fun?"

I closed my eyes. "This is nice."

"It is. Thanks again for inviting us."

I opened my eyes and smiled at Em. "You don't have to thank me. I like spending time with you... or everyone."

She blushed and dived beneath the water, popping up behind Miles and splashing him. I chuckled to myself. It felt good to know Emily was having fun. She was so scared when she first came out of the cabin to swim.

Emily, Harper, and Vanessa walked from the cabin finally changed into their bikinis. Harper strutted confidently, making Jason blow out a wolf-whistle. Emily had a towel wrapped around her body. Vanessa was walking with Emily, holding her around the shoulder in a half-hug. Vanessa kept her voice low, leaving me clueless as to what she was telling Emily about, but it seemed like Ness was trying reassure her. I noticed how distraught Emily looked, unable to look up and meet my eyes. I walked over as Emily and Vanessa put their sunscreens and bags on the wooden picnic table by the lake.

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