Ship lives matter!

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Aphmaus pov
Hmm, maybe I should check on Zane and Garroth. *opens door* "Hey guys- okay...." I said backing away. "A-Aphmau! It's not what it looks like!" Zane said. "So you two weren't just making out?" I said rolling my eyes. "Oh then it's exactly what it looks like." Garroth said standing up. "G-Garroth you  dingus!" Zane yelled hiding under the bed. "Did kawaii~Chan hear making out?!" Kc said. "Yup. Garroth and Zane." I replied. "W-what?! Zane~Kun?! Garroth kawaii~Chan would like to see you..alone..." She said pulling him out.
"SoooOooo, incest?" I said rolling under the bed with Zane. "S-shut up!" He said. "It's not that bad! I mean have you seen wattpad? This could be a lot worse." I said. "How?!" He asked. "Well you two could be married with a child named Zia who Lucinda kidnaps. Then you give up on finding her and she- wait no spoilers." I answered. "What the fuck?! I think I'll
Just go now." He said standing up.
Garroth's pov
"So, whatcha wa-" I was cut off by her smacking me. "Oww! Kawaii~Chan why?!" I asked. "Do you know how may people are going to cry tonight because of your actions?! Think of the Zanemau shippers, or the Zane~Chan shippers?! Don't get me started on the Zanvis ones! So stay away from Zane~Kun!" She said. "No." I replied. "Fine." She said.  "GAH OWWW! Okay! Okay! I understand." I cried after she punched me where no man should be punched. "Good, toodles!" She said waving goodbye.

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