Introduction to.... well half the team

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"I know It's dangerous mom, but I wanna make a difference..... yes there are other girls one the team..... like 7 maybe, I'm not sure.... I know it's serious, I'm not gonna goof around..... well that's your opinion...... yes I did.... tell her I said hi..... I gotta go now but I.... yes ma'am.... Mom I gotta g...... yes I did, but I gotta go now..... I love you too, goodbye." And with that you hung up. Hearing a giggle from behind you, you spun around.

"My mom was the same way when I first joined, though I was a little older than you." Said a brunette girl, with a english accent.

"Oh, hello, I'm..." she interrupted you.

"(F/n) (l/n), newest member of recently reformed overwatch, I know who you are, I'm Lena by the way, but everyone around here knows me as tracer!" She proclaimed.

"Oh, you're tracer! Nice to meet you, I'm heard so much, if I read the forms that I was given correctly you are my trainer?" You asked politely.

"coooooorrect, and first order of business is meeting everyone I can find at the moment, half the team are out, you'll meet them later, and just a heads up, some of the people here are eeedddgggggyyy!" Tracer informed you.

"Got it, lead the way!" You reply goodnaturedly.

She suddenly disappeared in a blur..... no wait she just shot forward..... you squint your eyes in confusion. Then she blinked back.

"Sorry love," she apologized," I forgot you couldn't do that, we'll just have to walk."

After walking for a short ways, you came upon a half laboratory, half dorm kind of set up.

"This is where we all stay. It's pretty nice once you get used to all the people. We all have roommates and you, dear, get the pleasure of sharing a room with me!" She giggled.

She pointed at a blue? Yeah she was blue, wtf, anyway a blue lady with long dark hair, and whispered, "That's Widowmaker, well her real name is amélie, but we really like nicknames here, she's the only girl without a roommate, cause she is a little reclusive," she laughed at her own spider related joke. Widowmaker shot her a dirty look and she quieted down.

"Anyway stay away from her if posible, oooooo and that" she pointed to a dirty man with his hair on fire? Seriously, is his hair really on fire? What is wrong with these people? Anyway he was sitting in the corner playing with explosives,"is jammie, or junkrat."

"You can just tell me there nicknames." You stated.

"Ok then, that's roadhog, and that's mercy, and that's genji, and that's reaper, and that's Reinhardt, and that's pharah, and everyone else is out, got it? Good, now it's time to see your new room!" She said in a singsong voice, grabbing your arm, and pulling you in the direction of the dorms.

You weren't quite sure you caught all of there names, hell you weren't sure if you got any of them, but you were more interested in your new living arrangements.

"This is my side," she proclaimed, after dragging you in the room"and this is your side, now I know the room is kinda small, and my stuff is everywhere, but we can clean it up, and get your things set up," she was talking so fast you couldn't get a word in at all," speaking of which, where is your stuff? Did you leave it where I first saw you? I'LL GET IT!"

And with that she blinked out of the room, leaving you all alone, you sat on your new, sheetless bed, asking what you had gotten yourself into

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