Through Her Eyes (tracer pov)

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It had been a while since I had met (y/n), she was sweet, and pretty, and I had an instant attraction after I saw her skill in the practice range. I constantly regretted not asking her to be my valentine, I know it's a stupid holiday, but it's not when you have someone to share it with.

Sitting in my bed, I thought of her face, all her cute features, her bright eyes, not necessarily the color, just the life she had behind them.

As all these thoughts crossed my mind I heard the door creak open. I glanced up, hoping and expecting to see (y/n) but.... it was widowmaker...

"That's strange..." I thought.

"Bonjour mon amour, I noticed you making eyes at that little so and so we have around here. Does bébé have a little crush?" She asked mockingly.

"Put'a sock in it, Amélie, so what if I do anyway?" I said, crossly.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you, petite dame, that you would never be happy with her." She cooed, crawling unto the bed with me.

"You dont know that, and whats the point of this, you hate me, we are enemies, what are you trying to achieve?"

Obviously ignoring half the question, she replied, "Who ever said I hate you, précieux, I lust for you." Widow purred as she pushed me down unto the bed, and crawled ontop of me.

"What do you mean? YOU told me that you hated me, stop with the pet names and get off me!" I retaliated angrily, trying to push her off.

Just then I heard the door open... it was (y/n)....

"len....a..." hear voice faded out as her eyes locked with mine.

Her fist clinched around some sort of paper.

"(Y/n), it's not what it looks like." I called, pushing widowmaker away.

Tears started to fall down her face as she dropped the paper, and ran. I got up and scowled at amélie over my shoulder. I picked up the parcel, my heart sank as I skimmed over it, she... felt the same way, I had to stop her.

"(Y/n) wait!" I called, but she didn't stop.

I heard Lacroix laugh, as she pushed her way past me, into the hall,

"Have fun, échec, you've got no chance now"

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