tea time

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It was around 5pm when you were woken up again, this time by the elegant, angelic medic, who had fix your shoulder.

"Goodmor... afternoon, miss (y/l/n), as a welcome to the team we have set up a little dinner so you could get to know us better, we didn't quite know what you wanted so we have a little of everything. Most of us will be there but you know, it's hard to get everyone in the same place.... so it's the best we could do. Come to the mess hall when you are ready!"

And without letting you get a word in edgewise she left, but it didn't bother you. Getting up, you went to the bathroom and fix your hair, and washed your face, then put on some more presentable yet less comfortable clothing. Making your way to the mess hall, you stopped to adjust yourself, meeting new people wasn't really a strong suit of yours but this was more than that. You'd have to work with these people for like.... ever. You gave your self a small pep talk and decided you'd be super outgoing tonight.

Some girl you hadn't yet seen poked her head out of the room in front of you.

"You must be (y/n), I'm zarya, strongest woman in world, also biggest bragger, nice to meet you." Said the pink haired goddess of a woman, extending a hand to you. She had a thick russian accent, and seemed like a very agreeable person, you shook her had and she gave a hardy laugh, the pulled you into a hug, she was so much bigger that you (height), (body type) frame.

You and her walked in together and everyone stop talking to look at you. They stayed quiet for a minute, passing whisper around about what tracer had told them (your gun skill), until a dark haired cowboy broke the silence.

"Well aint that a pretty little thing." He said making you blush a little. That comment also sprouted conversation between the rest of them, rather it be agreeing, or just random comments.

The room seemed very lively, and you quickly picked up names. The kindest ones seemed to be lucio, mercy, d.va, winston, zarya, tracer, and torbörn, yet you seemed to have a dislike for the last one, for whatever reason that may be.

When everyone was finally seated you got stuck between an annoyed symmetra, and a overly serious hanzo.... surprisingly you still had a great time. You were praise for your gun skill, and treated as a goddess when you accidentally manage to make hanzo laugh.

Everyone seemed to really enjoy you, 'cept for a few (that really had no right being there cause they are part of talon but screw you this is my story) being widowmaker and reaper, but lets be real they didn't like anyone, and you had a hard time figuring out how bastion felt, but his beeps sounded happy? Whatever that meant.

After basically eating yourself into a food coma you sneaked back to your room along with tracer and laid down. You two talked and talked and actually found out alot about her, she gave you a feeling you'd never had before, like a best friend maybe? You didn't know, but looking at her goofy smile just made your heart race,

"She is so beautiful" you thought to yourself.

After a while she seemed to be having shorter and shorter replies which you guessed signified she was sleepy.

You told lena you were gonna sleep and she rolled over in relief. You drifted off thinking about the wonders of the new friends you met tonight, and how this experience would be one hell of a ride.

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