Sasha's Debut

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Third Person P.O.V

Sasha Banks just made her debut into the main roster. People got really excited when she came out.

She was so happy that she got called up with her besties but Bayley was yet to be called up.
When she went backstage people congratulated her, but there was one person in particular that she was shocked that HE congratulated her. Seth Rollins. He wasn't your 'Nice' kind of type he was arrogant but he had a nice side of him almost nobody knew.

"Hey girl, I see you made your debut," He said.

"What are you, blind? Didn't you see me out there?" Sasha said to him.

"Well somebody has an attitude.."

"Says the one that doesn't care about nothing or nobody."

"Well at least I have a-" He was suddenly interrupted by his former brothers and Shield members. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

"She's right you only care about one thing only which is capturing that championship." Roman said.

"Ummm...well I'm going to get going now. Bye." And just like that Sasha Banks was gone.


Well there you have the first chapter of a weird relationship..?
I know it's short but I'll try to make the other chapters longer {^<>^}

Unknown Relationship (Seth & Sasha)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora