Chapter 11

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"So what's the mission for today?" Stevonnie asked as they pulled out their shield.

"Today Stevonnie, we're somewhere that is very sacred to fusions such as ourselves," Garnet said.

It appeared to be that they were in a palace completely covered with mirror walls and stone floors. There were weapons laying around, but not many. Sometimes they would walk into rooms that were enormous, with mirrors on the ceiling as well.

Pearl smiled widely.

"She's right, Stevonnie!" she began.

"Long ago while fighting in the war, armies that served under Rose would practice fusion with their partners. As many as two to twenty gems would practice and train for fusion battles!" she exclaimed. Amethyst rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"Its basically just a giant dance studio." Amethyst cut off Pearl before she went into too much detail. Stevonnie stopped themselves.

"But wouldn't that be like, taboo or something?" Stevonnie asked. Garnet shook her head no.

"Remember when Pearl said that we only fuse for emergency's?" Garnet asked, crossing her arms. Stevonnie nodded.

"That's what most gems usually do. Just because all gems have the capability to fuse romantically or platonically at will, doesn't mean they'll want to." Garnet replies to her.

"She's right Stevonnie, We-" just before Pearl was about to give a lesson, music started to play from somewhere in the temple. Everyone stopped and pulled out their weapons.

Stevonnie got in a crouching position and pulled out their sword, but when the music grew louder they stopped and felt something pull inside of them. The other gems started running off, but Stevonnie stayed.

Amethyst looked back at Stevonnie.

"Dude are you coming?" she asked. They didn't reply, something wasn't right and they needed to leave right now.

"What's going on with us?!" Connie yelled mentally, feeling them start to fall apart. Stevonnie started backing up and their gem began to glow a bright white.

"Stevonnie what's wrong!" Amethyst asked panicked.

"Somethings wrong here, we can't stay!"  Both of their voices screamed through Stevonnie, white light almost engulfing their body. They started running back to the warp pad as fast as they could without looking back.


"So what are the warp pads again?" Mari asked. A week had gone by since that day and Stevonnie started to feel really discouraged. They didn't want to tell the gems, especially garnet, because they didn't want to be seen as immature or weak.

So they did something drastic and that they've never done before...

"I'm really glad you called at the time you did. I'm having problems with Lars and some girl time is really what I needed, er, that is if you are a girl Stevonnie." Sadi says, walking back into her living room with a bottle of wine.

Stevonnie had called the three girls they knew to ask for a slumber party. Jenny, Sadi, and Mari. Mari and Jenny were braiding Stevonnie's abnormally long hair without any rhythm to it, while Stevonnie drank soda from a champagne glass. (The other girls drank the wine Sadi had, but Stevonnie didn't know if they felt comfortable with it).

"I hear ya girl. I love my boys, but sometimes I just need a break." Jenny says with a sigh. She shook her head when she started to think about Buck and Sour Cream. She had to turn her phone off so that Buck's constant texting didn't bother her.

Mari smiled, she had never been invited to a slumber party before and was really happy that her first one was with two cool college kids and the prettiest person (or fusion) in school.

"I'm really happy you explained all of this fusion stuff to me." Mari spoke.

"Otherwise it would of been way awkward if I got a crush on you.", Stevonnie giggled.

"Oh god those kids at school are relentless," Stevonnie said shaking their head. Jenny stopped mid braid and furrowed her eyebrows together.

"I still don't get it. Are you Steven and Connie or like what?" Jenny asked. Sadi grabbed Jenny's glass and filled it.

"I've been wondering that too. And what happens when you unfuse, do you like not exists?" Sadi added.

Stevonnie placed their drink down and thought it over.

"So, I represent a balance scale and on that scale, there is Steven and Connie. And for the scale to be balanced, they need to be in total sync." they began. Stevonnie outstretched their hands and made them level with each other.

"When I'm together, I am their minds and bodies merged to create a whole different being with equal parts of their personality, memories, skills, ect. But they don't disappear all together.", they raised one hand and lowered the other.

"They can still speak to each other, and sometimes one of their personalities will start to leak.", they made their hands even out a little.

"But it's all just a matter of teamwork really, but yes in a sense I am my own being... for the most part.", they grabbed her drink and sipped it.

"And I exist in the love Steven and Connie have for each other. So as long as Steven and Connie are together, I will never die.", the girls let out a soft 'awe'.

"How romantic!" Mari sighed.

"I want a relationship like that someday.." Sadi said blushing and smiling down at her cup. Jenny rolled her eyes.

"Alright, Are we dyeing this girls hair or not?" Jenny suddenly blurted.

"Yes! I have all the bleach and dye we need, I think..." Mari says as she rushed over to her duffel bag.

"Wait, bleach?" Stevonnie said as they turned their head to Mari. Mari nodded as she pulled up two very big tubs of bleach.

"Yeah, the bleach will strip your hair of the pigment so we can put the pink in," Sadi said as she grabbed one of the tubs of bleach and the duffle bag.

"Umm..." Stevonnie let out unsurely. Jenny grabbed Stevonnie by the hand and started pulling her to the kitchen.

"Don't worry you'll be fine. It barely even hurts." Jenny said attempting to reassure her.


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