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Your pov~
It was a dark and gloomy night, the rain water drizzled down your back giving you the shivers. You were walking home after a really long night at work 'aka grillbys bar' he gives you a few drinks now and then to ease the pressure on you, since...all the guys wanted a piece of your ass. It was one of these nights where you could barely see what was in front of you, you continue walking down your street not paying attention to the monsters standing around. The thought of hearing about some kind of 'mysterious guy' hurting people kinda scared you, your pace quickened and before you knew it you had walked into a taller skeleton causing you to fall down, you could have swore you saw a flash of yellow come from his right eye socket. "Oh..I'm so sorry miss, I didn't see you let me help you up~" his voice was comforting not to mention deep, you stare at him as he extends his hand towards you, you take it gently and hop onto your feet dusting yourself off, noticing your shoes and pants were wet now you tried to play it cool "I-I'm sorry..I should have Been looki-" "it's my fault miss~ you were only minding your business...but if it wasn't for me, you would have face planted into that pole" he points to the pole in front of you and chuckles, his hand was hot against yours making you wonder if he even had body heat, since he was all bone. Your cheeks flare up as you take our hand out of his and stare at him "t-thanks for s-saving my ass then... hehe" he shrugs "ehh, it was no problem really sweetheart~ but you should get home..before the drunks get out.. better yet, I'll bring you home, address?" "It's (number) (street name)" you laugh nervously at the fact that you just gave him your house number.
"All right miss, just hold on to me~" you curiously grab his shirt and black out, his teleportation powers hurt some humans if there not used to being dizzy.
G.sans pov~
'Oh god! I didn't kill her did's been an hour!!' He gently shakes you and whispers things like "get up, it's time to get up, doll please! Your scaring me" He sits quiet and stares at your body before you start to groan leaning up and holding your head, he sighs happily and helps keep your body straight "w...what happened...." You turn your head only to touch noses with G "hehe, glad to know your awake..." He keeps his head where it is "how are you in my house!!??" " uh...let me in?" He chuckles and pulls your head closer to his kissing you on the lips, since you weren't paying attention, your cheeks flared up a bright red as you pushed him away "w-why did you do that!!?" "It was the moment ok..can't blame me for anything~" he lets out a low chuckle and he looks at your body, you were now wearing a different set of clothes since you were soaked from the rain before. "Y-you saw me naked you perv!" You growl and get up quickly
"hey! I'm only trying to earn your trust. Besides..if I left you in those soak and wet clothes you would have got sick... Please Work with me here miss.." "(Y/n)... Now you can call me my real name instead of miss" you shyly smile while covering your body up with the blanket You had on earlier "you should get going.. It's late and your family's probably worried..I mean.." He cuts you off before you could finish "I don't have a family..they..were killed...I live alone in the dark of's funny cause I don't actually live in a house...more like...a old barn nobody uses about 2miles from here. Meaning I have nowhere to go" he chuckles softy before looking at you, you were a little shocked as you got up off the couch
"you can stay here if you'd like.. Since I do owe you one.." You take his hand leading him to a spare bedroom upstairs, it looked well kept, not to mention the room was pretty big since it had nothing really in it but a bed and some random dressers by the walls.
"I hope you are comfortable sleeping up here, I'm just down the hall if you need anything, as you know kitchens downstairs as for everything else....would you like anything to drink or eat..?" You seemed a lot nicer than before, not to mention the light gave him a nice view of your slim and small figure, he seemed to have zoned off so you just blushed and left.. By the time He came back to reality you were gone but there was a note on the door. "There's a tv in your room and some blankets, along with some tea, I really hope you like how it's set up, your welcome to stay as long as you'd like
He begins to smile at your hospitality before walking in the room and laying on the bed, God was it comfy, not to mention soft.
A couple hours go by as he had fallen asleep, completely wrapped up in the blankets,
It was actually peaceful for once.
And come to think of it.. I thank (y/n) for
Letting me stay~

((I really hope this was good, I've been taking lessons and stuff hon how to perfect a book, this is still a work in progress, there will be more so stay tuned!))

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