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Once you were home, you felt a lot better, feeling a rush of hot air in your face, G helped you into the house, since you began to stumble and nearly fall.. Honestly you really liked his company, since you were always to shy or scared to talk to people, especially guys...
So this was a really big change, plus he has full responsibility for you, meaning he'd probably be staying until your scars healed completely

((Oh boy I know how that feels to talk to guys... Sorry I had to include that tho heheh))
"Hey sweetheart? Want something to eat?"
He smirks and walks around to the back of you gently stoking your cheek and hair, making you fluster up to the maximum
"U-Uh...I-I..." " ya know...I can give ya anything right?"
He moves to kiss up your neck, eventually reaching your cheek
"just gotta ask~~"
he flustered up a bit and carried you to the couch making
you sit on his lap

Time skip~~~

The room is silent, g had fell asleep with you on his lap, it's been...
Maybe around 2-3 hours, even you had taken a small nap..
But you couldn't stop thinking...
after what G had said made you a little skittish, but you had to admit,
you were starving, but to shy to ask him thinking that he'd get the
wrong idea and do something... so... You decided to get up of his lap and make your own food, even though youve never really cooked
anything but eggs, bacon and pancakes, you gently kiss his cheek, blushing hard, not realizing
the kiss had made him wake up from his slumber..
He let out a small yawn, before grabbing your wrist
"where are you going....? You're not leaving are you..."
He says sternly, observing your face and body language for
any changes.
"N-no!! I would have told you first if I was!!"
You respond, gently pulling
at his hand to let go, eventually he did.
"I was just going to see what there was to eat....because.. I'm starving..."
"Why don't I make you something then...? You could have just said, Heheheh..not need to be sneaking around by yourself.. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.. You're still healing don't forget.." He smiles, sending off a positive vibe, you thank him shyly
"Just sit and relax ok? Turn on the tv.."
You nod and hold your stomach, carefully leaning up and trying to grab the remote, it takes a few try's but, nothing to hard..
The delicious aroma of bacon and eggs fills the room, along with G's singing, his voice was perfect, it was like... Silk? Soft but gentle.. It was truly something amazing.

((Little vid of the song he's singing ^^ go click on it and listen while reading, just imagine this in a lower and sexier tone ))

You were astonished by his voice.. It was just to surreal..
Eventually he finished cooking turning around to give you the breakfast, only to find you holding back a fangirling squeal "OH MY GOD G!!! YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD SINGER!! YOU SOUND LIKE A FRICKING ANGEL!!"
He flustered up from the comment and whispered a "yea I guess" under his breath "but I'm not an angel... You are (y/n)" he smirked placing the plate in front of you.
"Hey g?"
"Yes sweetheart~"
"Can I ask you something..?"
"Sure...anything for you~"
"Why do you show affection towards me...?" You ask shyly
"Well....c-cause I....I Really Like You (Y/N)!!"

Gaster!sans X reader (No Longer Writing)Where stories live. Discover now