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"Time passes fast dear friend.. but don't forget... I'm still here.. Y OU W I LL N E V ER G E T R I D O F M E..."
Chara. ..
He was back....

You began to panic, frankly very concerned about yourself and G... CHARA was stronger than you both combined.. he had so much determination he coukd ruin every time line ever in existence. ..

Quickly dashing to the door, in the process you had tripped over the table leg, landing straight on your face and stomach.. which was bad because it was still healing from the stab wound..

You hissed in pain, your face scrunching up, G moved beside you completely shocked at how you went from calm and cuddly to flipping out..

"(Y/N!) Are you alright? Here let me heal that.. What's wrong? Whyd you get up so quick..?"

He chocked out, his eye turning a light shade of green to show he was healing the wound, the pain slowly went away, letting you talk once again.

"C...CHARA.. he's back...he's out to get me G!! HE WILL KILL ME!"
You cried out, holding his jacket tight in your hand.
"I-I don't want to be hurt anymore... people have always hurted me... Everyone Hates me... it seems you're the only one who doesn't. ."

G slowly reached a hand to wipe your tears, kissing your cheek softly.

"I promised that I'd keep you safe and protect you my dear, you will always be safe with me..I will always be here to protect you.."

He smiles just slightly.
"I love you (y/n)... I love you so much.... you're so beautiful... and caring... you took me in.. and I'm so grateful... if you hadn't. I wouldn't have met you.. you were everything I wanted"

He gently strokes circles on your back, hoping to calm you down, which... it does work,
your breathing and heart rate returned to normal as he held you close to his chest.

"G.... thank you.." You whispered "we should... go to bed. It's getting late."
G only nods,
letting you lead the way up the stairs to your room,
You both plop down and get under the cold blankets,
huddling together for warmth.

"Goodnight beautiful."
"Goodnight G.."

Gaster!sans X reader (No Longer Writing)Where stories live. Discover now