chapter 10

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Then ~


"D-DID HE JUST-No it's nothing (y/n)" you felt your cheeks
flare up before walking back into the main part of the bar.
Grillby was washing a few cups, while more monsters came in,
let's just say it got busy fast..
You would occasionally sit with some of the depressed monsters,
giving them advice or just being there so they can have
someone to rant too!
Most were very nice and understanding while some were just complete
assholes, either way you still loved helping them.

A fight had broken out
between two of the drunk monsters, grillby was in the back
somewhere and didn't know this was happening, so you took
the chance to try stopping it while yelling out for grillby,
you push past the crowd getting to the centre, grabbing both
monsters by the collar.
You startled most of the monsters surrounding,
eventually thwy went to sit down or left, but one of the monsters who started the fight
pushed you down, crawling over you and pinning your hands
down, looking at you Lustfully "Whyd you stop the f-fight?? I w-was having funnnn~~" he says,
moving his face closer
to yours, his breath smelled like alcohol and it made you cringe.
"G-GET OFF ME!! GRILLBY! SOMEONE HELP!!" You burst into tears,
struggling to get out
of the monsters grip, only then to receive a punch to the
face and the stomach.
"SHUT UP ALREADY!" He scoffed in your face, moving his free hand under your shirt, grasping one of
your breasts, it made you angry and very uncomfortable,
he began moving one of his legs between your thighs.
"C-Come on.. d-dont be stubborn you-" the monster was then cut off by someone throwing him
across the room, you look up to see a very Angry G looming
over you, he steps past you punching the guy in the face multiple
times before throwing him to the ground.

"N E V E R T O U C H H E R A G A I N"

With that the monster limped out of grillbys, this gave you
a chance to cling to G's waist, crying your eyes out.
"G..G. ..G. ..t-thank you"
"It was nothing doll..though.. what happened...?"


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