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"Alright guys, are you ready?"

"Aw, shell yeah! BOOYAKASHA!"

The four mutant turtles set out to fight their Foot opponents. They were young, inexperienced, fresh; they'd only been out to the surface for few times and yet so much had already happened. Fighting the Foot Clan became a hobby for them.

"Leo! To your right!"


"Donnie, watch it!"



"That was mine!"

The lynx mutant was standing on top of a building waiting for the Foot she had sent out to come back. Soon she heard all this racket from a few buildings away and watched closely. Anyone else would have asked how human sized turtles could exist.

But she was no one to ask such a question.

Meanwhile, the turtles proudly took down most of the Foot Squadron that had ambushed them and pretty soon they were celebrating. A squad of Foot on the fire escape looked up at Hanari asking for permission, but she declined.

The turtles were on a different building checking one last time if there was anything they had to do.

Mikey kept ranting. "And then he went all coward and started running away from me cuz I scared him with my AWESOME!"

"He didn't run away from you, Mikey," Donnie said.

"Yeah," Raph scoffed. "You just bored him."

"Actually he went after me."

"Guys!" Leo spotted something.

"What now, Fearless Leader?"

"Look," he pointed at a figure standing above a building about two blocks away. It looked like a girl, wearing a cute hat with cat ears and a blue and black outfit. She was at a distance so that was all they could make out.

"I say we go check," Leo says and jumps off, his brothers following after him.

"Seriously?" Raph rolls his eyes.

The turtles quietly make their way about the buildings careful not to be seen by anyone. When they finally arrived, Leo was the first one to jump on the rooftop, and what he saw wasn't what he expected. He stopped abruptly causing his three brothers to crash into him.

The girl turned around and looked down at them with a blank expression when she saw the four of them widen their eyes. They stared at her: teenaged girl, their age. Her ears didn't belong to the hat, they were hers. A long graceful tail fell beneath her hip. Her hands and feet shaped like paws. Animalistic in appearance with her fur a soft cream color, yet humanoid in her curves and her hair pulled in a smooth braid to her side. Her face, gentle yet serious, with a cute feline shape. Then the turtles noticed the Nagamaki clinging to her back, the daggers attached to her hip and the rest of her equipment. This mutant was beautiful, and she was a kunoichi.

"Whoa..." the four brothers sighed while still on the ground and they exchanged looks of rivalry and confusion.

Hanari chuckled. "Who might you be?"

Four a slight second the boys took in the softness of her voice and each one began to have his own thoughts about her.

Mikey got up in a hurry and acted as cool as he could. "I'm Michelangelo, ninja master of Nunchaku and pizzavore at your service." He bowed.

"Shut up, Mikey!" Raphael pushed him away. "We'd like to know the same thing about you, princess."

Hanari chuckled. "I'm Hanari. That's all you need to know."

Against All Odds (4Turtles X Oc) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now