11. Wish We Could Turn Back Time

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11. Wish We Could Turn Back Time


Dean stared at his ceiling.

Sam walked into his room, maneuvering his way around. "Dean? You haven't come out of your room ever since we got home. School is tomorrow."

"Get your hands off me!"

Dean closed his eyes.

Josh struggled in the hand cuffs, glaring deadly at Dean. "You just wait, you whore, just wait till I get you back!"

He turned on his side, wincing. His wounds were still not healed. "I don't want to go," he finally said, Sam sitting beside him on his bed. "It's over, Dean." Dean turned to him, his right eye still not healed. "No it's not!" Sam jumped at his sudden raise of voice. Dean lowered it. "No it's not..." He turned back and Sam sighed sadly.

"He can't touch you again, Dean."

"Sam will be next after I'm done with you!"

Dean whimpered and gripped his pillow tight, his body starting to ache everywhere. "Dean, did you take the pain suppressors?" Dean shook his head and Sam sighed. "I'll go get them." Sam began to stand but a hand latched onto his wrist. Dean was still laying down, but holding onto Sam. "Please don't leave me..."

Sam sat back down and Dean loosened his grip but still held on.

"I just need to know where I am."

• • •

Dean kept his hoodie on and limped his way through the hallways, people staring at him. A hand touched his shoulder and he jerked away, walking faster.

He slowly sat in his seat, hearing someone follow him. "Hey, Dean."

"Hey, Dean."

It was like the devil had spoken, and Dean went rigid, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the pencil in his hand tightly. He slowly looked over, expecting those harsh black eyes and black hair. "Dean, I'm sorry, I meant hello."

Cas reached out and took the pencil from Deans hands, holding his hand. "He's not here."

Dean looked into the comforting blue eyes and his lip trembled. Cas' face fell and he got up, grabbing Dean into a hug. "I know, I'm sorry," Cas whispered to him, ignoring the stares. "I'm sorry..."

Cas took Dean out into the hall, letting Dean hug him tightly. "I'm sorry I let this happen," Cas' voice cracked. "It's all my fault." Dean just hugged Cas, his body shuddering with every shaky breath. "Don't leave me."

"Dean...can you remember the first time we met?" Dean nodded. Cas held Dean, rubbing his back. "Remember how we said we would stay by each other? How we were connected by the hip?" Dean nodded and Cas made Dean look at him. "It's no different from now, ok? I will never leave you, I'll always be here for you."

Dean looked at him, his heart giving a small flutter for what seemed like the first time in a long time. "Cas..."

Cas pulled Dean back down in a hug. "You are not alone, Dean, ok?" Dean felt tears on his cheek and he nodded, letting Cas hold him as he cried.

Cas looked down at Dean, his eyes sad. I'll wait for you, he looked at Dean as he pulled away, wiping his eyes. I'll wait until your ready.

Dean avoided his gaze from Cas. "W-What did I tell you, when I c-couldn't remember?" Cas froze and he looked down sadly. "You told me you loved me."

Dean blushed. "I-I'm sorry—" Cas pulled Dean down and pressed a kiss to his lips, pulling away just as it happened. "Don't be."

Dean felt his lips moving. A smile formed on his face and Cas smiled too. "R-Really?" Cas nodded, bringing Dean closer. "And I'll wait for you, Dean, I'll wait until you're ready." Dean smiled and tears came down in his face.

He wasn't alone.



this story turned out so different than I originally planned, like, he wasn't suppose to get involved with Josh but it just happened.

And this was a wild ride, I enjoyed writing this and aren't you guys happy? Look at this, a happy ending for your babies.

I know there's a lot of things unanswered, so if you want, comment some questions and I'll make a chapter to answer them all :)

And vote for this story if you want a chapter dedicated to flashbacks that you didn't see in the story. Like Josh getting arrested or why Dean hated John.

Aw, I'm going to miss writing this, :(

And let's just hope Josh doesn't get out any time soon. -.-

Ps, Dean has eaten since that piece of bread 😂

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