Chapter One

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I woke up one day think it was just a regular day in my house everything was going as usual until they came. Here's how the day started. My alarm was ringing so as usual I put it on snooze. Instead of waking at six I woke at 8:30. My parents got onto me you know the usual. Anyway I done my chores. Washed the dishes, did the laundry, mowed the lawn, and took out the trash. So as the day went by my dad got back from work he worked at a lab or company or whatever called Thunder.

When he got back he was breathing heavily and acting strangely, but everything seemed okay you know. Until it happened I heard mom scream and the screaming suddenly stopped I walk around the house looking for mom and dad but I couldn't find the. So I looked in the basement. As I looked one of the attached to my face the knock back made me hit the pipe behind me and I got knocked out

Sorry for the short chapter guys I promise I'll try to make the next one longer

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