Chp11: Time To Travel Part 2

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I woke up in a strange city. It all looked so new. I knew at once I wasn't in my town. I asked myself "Am I home?". I got up and looked around. I heard a bike coming my way. Quickly, I dodged out of the way before the rider could run me over. I thought to myself "that was close.". I turned back around and the guy that almost hit me said " sorry are you ok?. I said "yeah.". "That's good." he said "who are you?". I said "Jesse". He said "I haven't seen you around here.". I said "I'm new in town.". He said "oh well this is town.".

I asked "what year is this?". He replied "2123 why you ask?". I said "Just making sure you knew it.". He said "ok?". I asked "is there a company named thunder here?". He replied "yeah there the leading company here.". I said "oh ok". I thought to myself "was this home?". I asked "could you point me to there building?". He pointed towards the North East side of town. I thanked him and went on my way.

Hello shade here and I'm here to tell you to stay tooned for part 3.

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