A New Beginning

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Alex's P.O.V

I don't know where I am and how could I. Last thing I remember was Roxy and I on the couch and the whole room slowly fading into a dark screen till the whole room was gone. I think I'm dead.

Two seasons later

It's very strange here I'm pretty sure it's the after life but I miss my sister and want to go home. The strange man that lives here calls this place Tlalocan and he calls himself Tlaloc he is much larger than I am, is decorated with feathers, can make flowers grow and water rain even when there is no clouds. He says Tlalocan is one of the most beautiful places outside of earth and that I was chosen to come here for a reason. Even though I don't know what he means I can't help believing him. All the other spirits I meet here have drown or were deformed but I don't think that's what Tlaloc means Because unlike the other deformed people I meet, I look perfectly normal there isn't my deformity there's me without the beautiful life form that was once a part of me.
I can't be the only one here that doesn't look the same as there spirit form. Tlaloc keeps talking saying I am here for a reason. I don't see what he means but the longer I am around him the more it seems like he never leaves. The presence of him scares me. The more I'm here the more I want to leave. I want to go home.
Tlaloc says I'm not human any more and that's why there is no food in Tlalocan. I have not eaten since I've been here but I'm not hungry the others say they feel the presence of Tlaloc too but they never see him. I don't know what it means but I don't think he's human or ever was.
One of the people in Tlalocan seem to know more than the rest his name is Nosi at Least I think that's how it's spelt. He tells me story's of the Aztec's and there way of life. He is so interesting the way his hair falls right into place and ice blue eyes look right through me. It's a true beauty that I have never known before.

Roxy's P.O.V.

It hurts, it hurts everywhere it hurts in my head, my back and everywhere else but the loss hurts more than the physical pain. She just fell asleep and wouldn't wake up I screamed it didn't feel right. Half of me was missing. They separated me from my twin, my life she is the only one who got me. I'm deformed without her.
The doctors  don't even care that I might have PTSD. I was recommended to a shrink that specializes in Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. I guess I have to go but Alex wouldn't have.
Alex wanted to learn but that made her gullible. I'm not like her in that way they say my new arm is going to work like Alex's but I know it's not. Nothing can replace her and especially a fake arm made of fake materials with plastic doctors working on it. It's just not the same nothing will ever be the same.
I have to go back into my routine they think I can just heal without a scar left in my memory. When I go back to school the everyone there gives me looks. Oddly enough the old looks they gave us were more comforting then the looks sadness on there faces as I walk down the halls.
I sit down in Miss Tyler's class her blond hair barely touching her shoulders as the students slowly pored into the classroom. She looked up at the class and her eyes glanced toward away and back she surprised as did everyone when they saw me without Alex . I wish she didn't need to be part of my identity.
The rest of the school day was the same people giving me stares, I never had much friends so there was no one there to support me. I never realized how much Alex meant to me till now.
My name is Dr. Quinzel I will be assessing you today, says the women in the lab coat as she walks across the room in a swaying manner. I can't help but role my eyes at her soft un present voice and the blankness in her face as if she has done this a million times. Let's cut to chase "Quinzel" I hope u r aware that i lost my sister who literally was attached to me so don't be all sweet cause it's not sweet, its horrible. I'm pretty sure we don't want to see each other again and we don't have to if we hurry thing up. You don't you care about me now or in two years from now so let's cut to the chase. You're diagnose me with PTSD I'm going take 5 pills a day to "cure it " and you're going to get paid so let's get this over with.
Um okay, she's in a frazzled tone. "Have u been experiencing extreme un rationalized behaviour." I just stare this one is obvious. " okay the I'll check that one of." She swipes the pen across the paper. Swipe, swipe, swipe, she asked a question swipe another swipe.

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