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Alex P.O.V.

I can't believe you lied to me this whole time. "And what would you have done if I didn't tell you and you found out all on your own." ,His voice was loud but not angry. That's not what happened! Nosi or Tlaloc or whoever you are just leave me alone. "But Alex" he screamed still not harshly. Why would he do this two me. I can never trust him not after that. I can only trust Roxy. I wonder what she is doing right now.

Roxy P.O.V.

I can't wait till I graduate. I will have at least one year to myself and after that I'll get a hermit job and live in sulitude forever. With no one else. Now that I can be alone I guess I will be. I wonder where she is right now. When I die will I meet her? I want to know the truth. I want to know her again.
Sierra kept bothering me so I let her sit with me today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Although I can't stand the fact of replacing Alex; Sierra might be the only one who wants to be my freind. I cringe at the word I have never had a friend only my sister.
I go home after a long day of school and realized it has already been so long since I have cried every night missing Alex. It has been so long since I hated my plastic arm. I can't believe so much as changed in the past year I think Sierra might even be my friend, I cringe again at the word. I feel like I'm "over Alex" but I don't know if I want to be.

Alex P.O.V.

I think I was hard on Tlaloc. But I think he was hard on me, I told my secrets to his mask. His mask new everything because he did. Why would he do this to me. But why would I react so rude and harshly. I need to apologize to him. I feel so guilty.
I go to the spot were he normally is he's there but as Nosi. I come up to him. Stop wearing the mask of a human I know who you Really are. Slowly I saw the skin peel off Tlaloc and disappear into the flowers. " I can't believe you came here." I can't believe you lied to me. I yelled at him, he had no right to lie to me for so long. Your not even human.
"Neither are you."

Tlaloc P.O.V.

Neither are you. She almost fell. Her smooth black hair intwined in a flower headband she made from MY flowers.  That I grew she was too selfish. I was angry at her, I let her into my kingdom tell my secrets and boom what do I get. No respect.
I have been drawn to the deformed the ones with two heads and eight toes the ones that didn't fit in to the "normal" category. They were just so different they were normal. But Alex was a different story a more interesting story than just the physical it was hard to stay mad at her. I finally realized she was a re-incarnated Demi goddess. When I realized who she was. When I realized she was like me, I couldn't not have her to rule aside me. Her body was human but her spirit was from another more sacred force. I'm surprised she even had the body she had. I am known to only take people of deformity and the victims of rain related passings. It was the perfect opportunity most children aren't born different especially ones with a spirit of a Demi goddess. Her sister didn't die with her the first to not go down with their own body. This was her destiny she loved Nosi, I'm Nosi, that means she loves me...

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