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Roxy's P.O.V.

Sierra says I should talk to her, crazy right? I should talk to my dead sister? Are you kidding me? But since Sierras my only friend, I hate saying it but Sierra is my friend, I guess I'll do it.
She bought on old ouija board from the pawn shop down on 6th street. I was a little hesitant, I have heard of evil spirits coming out of those things. But then she said you have to stain it first with the blood of the the spirits body you want to communicate with and I know what that means. "Great!"I say. But I don't think Sierra knows what sarcasm means.
We set out the ouija board. Do we have to do this in my house? Yes she replied. Then Sierra took a pin a pricked my finger before I could even react. She smudged my finger into the back of the board. "Ouch" I said delayed. Then I joined my new friend on the planchette. We closed our eyes. And ask a question.
Holy Shit!! I say in a whisper it actually moved.

Alex's P.O.V

All of a sudden I can't move forward I can move but forward like there was a wall. People started gathering around me in the gardens. I was so confused untill a man shouted "a gate"! People rushed by me trying to get in. I look forward and see my sister and this other girl standing by an ouija board  with both there hands on the moving piece. I reached my hand instinctively out towards them.
It felt like I was held to the ground by weight. I slowly realized that I was no longer in Tlalocan; I was in a house my house the walls were a deep red and the air smelt like rain. It was so comforting it made want to stay. But turn my head just in time to hear my sister ask who are you? I knew she couldn't see me or else she would of said something, but I just couldn't get my head around her not knowing who I was.
I seem to teleport close to the board and my hands land on the planchette as if they were magnitized. I moved the piece trying to forget the importance of the question and why it made me so angry.





They looked surprised and I heard Roxy blurt out another question. "Where are you"?








The girl squealed. Roxy looked at her annoyed then continued. What's our names?





And? I didn't know the answer. Who was this girl that was hanging around with Roxy? I wanted to know? Did she replace me with some girl I never met? I was angry I wanted to know. NOW!!!! In furry I through the loose piece of wood across the room. The girls screamed and got out of there as quick as they could.
Fuck. This was the only way to communicate with her I just blew it.
Being dead sucks.
Later that day I met Tlaloc in the gardens I finally forgave him so I guess we were freinds now. I told him what happened even though he already knew. I asked why I was so angry I have never reacted that way to my sister. I always had a temper but to that extent. To be honest I never felt that angry.
And it scared me.

Roxy's P.O.V.

I ran out of that room and went straight to the library dropping Sierra off at her house. I went over to the computer and typed in Tlalocan. I searched untill I found my answer  ancient Aztec's. I searched a's in the library and checked out a few ancient mythology books on the Aztec culture.
Apparently Tlalocan is a underworld ruled by Tlaloc a leader that only takes in those who died by water ( or water spirits ). Or the deformed me and Alex were obviously deformed and it would only make sense to adopt one of us into the kingdom of tlalocon.
I still want to see her again. Even if I would have to go far far away from home...

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