After The Party

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Frisk's P.O.V
"Thank you all for that party yesterday! I didn't think I'd get such an amazing party just for turning 18." I said.

Toriel, Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Papyrus, and Sans all worked together to throw a huge surprise party for me at Toriel's house yesterday. Muffet's Spider Cake tasted delicious, even without the spiders. Now it was the next day and everyone met at Sans' and Papyrus' house.

"Thank you, my child. Without you, the Underground would be so dull and unhappy. You light up everyone's lives, Frisk," Toriel said, giving me a huge goat-hug.

"Yeah! Now that you're 18, you can do a bunch of new things! You don't have to follow rules anymore!" Undyne yelled. She threw a spear at the 'Pin The Stem On The Flower', hitting just above the paper flower's head.

"Well, there are some rules you must obey here too," Asgore replied, removing the spear and handing it back to Undyne.

"Well now that you're at a special age, you can confess your love to Sa-" Mettaton began to speak but before he could finish, Alphys took her claws and covered the robot's mouth. I knew what Mettaton meant. I glanced over at Sans, who giggled at Mettaton and Alphys. I blushed a little. His laugh sounded so cute. I adore him. Mettaton pushed Alphys away.

"Frisk! I want to talk to you! Come here!"

I followed him as we walked to the far corner by the staircase.

"I have a plan to get you and Sans together. Undyne, Alphys, and I all know how much you love him. Sans should be heading outside shortly to Grillby's for lunch. You are going to follow him and sit next to him, wherever he may sit. Then you're going to-"

"Mettaton, Mettaton. Calm down, will you? I am not going to tell Sans yet. I'm waiting for the right time. Besides, I just turned 18. I don't have to jump into a relationship that quickly. You three need to give me some time. Please?" I said, sitting on the first step on the staircase.

Mettaton nodded and walked back to the group where everyone was talking about Shyren's Concert at the Waterfall in a few weeks. I stood up and walked into the kitchen, looking for a drink of water. After finding a small cup and filling it with water from the tap, I heard footsteps behind me. A familiar voice entered my ears.

"Whatcha doing, kiddo?" Sans said, standing in the kitchen doorway.

"M-me? Oh.. I was just..umm... getting a cup of water," I said, quickly turning around to face him, spilling some water onto the floor. "I'll clean that up!"

We both reached for a paper towel and our heads bumped into each other. By now, through a sharp pain, I saw everyone peeking into the kitchen from the living room. Alphys had her hands to her mouth, probably covering a smile. Undyne struck her hand in the air in a fist like she won a bet and Mettaton just gave me a thumbs up. Papyrus didn't show any sign of encouragement, which scared me a little. He's always happy and cheerful..What's going on with him? The pain from the collision faded as Sans reached the paper towels first and began to wipe up the water on the floor. 'I wish I could just tell him that I love him so much!' I thought. As I thought about him, Sans stood up and winked at me. 'Does he like me too? Maybe it won't be too awkward if I just tell him.' Sans walked out into the living room, content with his eyes closed. He never noticed the crowd of friends right next to the doorway. He headed outside, probably going to Grillby's. When I walked out, everyone stopped me and started to talk about Sans and I.

"Go after him! At least try talking to him like a normal human,"Mettaton whispered to me.

I nodded and sprinted to the door. I swiftly opened it and ran right over a single step on the porch, tripping and falling towards the ground. I closed my eyes, ready for impact. I never hit the ground, though. Something caught me. I opened my eyes and I saw Sans, holding me in one of his arms.

"Frisk! Are you alright? What are you doing?" Sans said, pulling me into a hug.

"I.. umm.. I was going to..follow you to Grillby's?" I studder. I had no idea of what Sans would think of me nearly stalking him. Sans pulled back.

"Already went kid. I ordered take-out so that I could come back faster. And do you know why I wanted to come back faster?"


"B-B-Because I just wanted to see y-you. I've always wanted to tell you this...I think you're pretty cute and I kind of like you. Like like you."

I had no idea what to say. 'Sans just confessed his love to me. What do I say? Do I confess back?' As I'm about to say the exact same thing, he pulled me closer and pressed his smile against my lips.

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