Dark Chocolate (End)

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As the last song ended, I whispered to Sans, "Sans, look."

We both looked down and we saw where that erie glow was being emitted from. Apparently, as we danced together, our souls merged.

"Cool, kiddo," he said, pulling me closer.

"Sans..." I said. "I love you."

"I love you too Frisk."

"And I HATE you both!" A voice added.

The music stopped and everyone stopped dancing. Sans and I pulled away from each other but our souls remained purple.

"Who said that?" A monster asked out.

"Show yourself!" Another said.

"Fools! All of you are fools!" It yelled again.

The doors flung open and it seemed as if the whole Underground was stopped in time. I could see Sans and Sans could see me, I bet.

"You two are not going to win this time. Flowey may be dead but he was no use anyway. You two can not and will not be together any longer!"

"I recognize that voice," Sans whispered. I felt as if it sounded familiar as well.

A figure began to materialize in the doorway. It's red eyes shone in the now darkened restaurant. As soon as enough light was shining through, I saw the green and yellow sweatshirt.


"I can see why," I responded to Sans. "You probably have been through so many resets haven't you? Chara was in the last one wasn't she? Before me and my Pacifist Route?"

He nodded. "She looks familiar to you doesn't she?"

I nodded too. We looked at her and our souls still remained merged.

"It's time to choose, Frisk! SAVE or RESET? Either way, Sans, you can watch her die over and over!" She laughed.

"I will choose to SAVE. I will SAVE a few things. Chara, may I speak?" I asked the monster.

"Sure, whatever."

"I am going to SAVE the memories of over five years of living in the Underground. I am going to SAVE my DETERMINATION. I am going to SAVE you." I said.

She burst out in laughter. Sans shook his head and held my hand. "Together," he said.

We slowly walked towards her, our purple souls merging. She cried out to us to stop. She yelled that she was in control. She wanted to RESET everything. We were working hard to keep her here.

As we walked closer, my soul was turning red again but a purple glow emitted from it. Sans's was the same but his soul was turning blue. Our souls broke apart and this glow was fading around Chara.

I never believed what happened. She simply cried out in pain and after minutes. Then she faded away. Just like that.

Sans and I were both confused. 'How?!' I thought.

We looked at each other and time seemed to start again. The monsters acted as if nothing had happened. I was so tired and felt as if I was going to go unconscious any moment.

"That's it for tonight, guys. The lady needs her beauty sleep!" Sans called out before picking me up and carrying me outside.

I soon leapt out of his grasp and walked on my own. Just before we entered our home, I planted one last kiss on the skeleton of my life- in the same spots that he had first kissed me.

"I love you, Sans."

(Sorry that this was rushed and confusing... I was running out of ideas and I didn't want to work on this story anymore so I wanted to quickly wrap it up. I never had a real plot for this book, I was just throwing in chapters that made sense and followed a timeline.

Nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoyed this story, as it was my first book written. There will not be a sequel. Please check out my other stories if you liked this one! My others are better than this one in my opinion.

Thank you guys so much for the views, comments and votes!)

And I will see you in the next story.

~Chirp Chirp!~

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