A Change Of Chara Cter

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(A/N- I wanted to try out drama so drama chapter!)

Sans' P.O.V

Frisk eventually fell asleep on my shoulder. Papyrus was staring at the screen, watching some sort of anime,

"What is this movie called?" I whispered.

"IT IS CALLED 'ATTACK ON TITAN'. WHATEVER THAT MEANS..." He replied, keeping his voice as quiet as possible.

Hearing the title, I quickly stood up and shut off the TV. Frisk woke up from falling onto the couch and Papyrus just frowned.

"That isn't really an appropriate show for you to watch, Papyrus. It would be best if you waited until you are older to watch that kind of anime," I said, walking back towards the couch.

Frisk, who seemed half asleep, crawled into my lap like a cat and laid down, falling asleep again. I nodded towards Papyrus, signaling for him that everyone should be heading off to bed. It was 11:46 at night. He understood and stood up. He patted Frisk's head lightly and climbed up the stairs and into his room. I followed him but I turned towards my room, carrying Frisk inside. I gently laid her down on my bed and covered her with a spare jacket. I walked out of my room and headed towards the kitchen downstairs.

As I approached the kitchen, something didn't seem right. The walls seemed to have changed color. From an orange red to a yellow gold. I 'blinked' a few times but everything seemed to get worse.

'Why am I in the Judgement Hall? How did I get here?' I thought, looking around.

"Heeeeelllllooooooo Saaaannnsssss."

I quickly turned around to face the one monster I didn't want to see.


Frisk's P.O.V

I woke up suddenly from a nightmare with me, Sans, Flowey, and even Chara. I looked around the room I was in. When I saw the treadmill, I knew I was in Sans' room. I was even covered with one of his jackets.

My throat felt a little dry. 'I'll get a drink of water and I'll just head towards the couch. Unless Sans is there...'

I slowly opened Sans' door and crept down the hallway. I heard small murmurs from Papyrus' room. 'Awww! He talks in his sleep!'

I walked down the stairs and Sans was in front of the kitchen door, looking around cluelessly. I stood on the floor next to the bottom step.

"Hello, Sans!" I said, giving a small wave.

Sans turned right at me. When he did, his smile grew wider. At first I felt warm and happy. Then his little white pupils faded to black and a blue light began to flicker in his left eye. I stood there, wide eyed.

"What's wrong, Sans? Are you okay?" I asked, taking a few steps closer. He summoned a gaster blaster but held his fire.

Sans' P.O.V

"Whhaaaattt'sssss wroooonnnggg Saaaannnnssss?" Chara said, her smile cutting though mercy like a saw cutting through a tree. "Arree yyyyooooouuuu okayyyy?" She said before taking a few steps closer.

I instantly summoned a gaster blaster. "Don't step over that line. If you do, you're really not gonna like what happens next."

She took a small step forward and I chuckled. "Sorry old lady. This is why I don't keep promises."

Frisk's P.O.V

Sans had just said what he'd say in a Genocide Run. I stepped towards him anyway.

"Sorry old lady. This is why I don't keep promises," he chuckled before firing his blaster at me.

I was hit and shot backwards, hitting the wall hard. Then I felt my soul become blue and lifted me up. I saw Sans' face. He was mad as hell.

He flung me back and forth, hitting wall after wall, bones flying at me everywhere.

"S-Sans! Please st-stop!" I yelled.

"Ha! You think you can spare me? Ain't gonna happen, kid! Not after what you've done! GEEEEEEETTTTT DUNKED ON!"

He flung me towards the ground and I fell hard. I saw my vision become blurred and I felt the blood, leaving me where bones had struck me. I closed my eyes, just to rest.

Sans' P.O.V.

After my final blow on Chara, I felt kind of dizzy. The room seemed to fade in different colors. I 'blinked' a few times again, only to see I was home. Only then did I realize what had just happened. I faced forward and saw Frisk, impaled with bones and her soul a shade of blue. I used my magic and destroyed the bones and released her soul. Her eyes darted up at mine, filled with fear.

"S-Sans..." She began to say.

"Frisk... I-I'm so-"


"I do care about you!" I began to argue but before I could say more or even explain what even happened, Frisk stood up, wincing from the pain, and ran right to the door and outside. "FRISK!" I called after her.

Frisk's P.O.V

I ran. I ran and ran and kept running. No matter how bad the pain felt, I didn't stop. I ran straight for the waterfall. As I sat down in front of the falls, thoughts were flowing in my head. My greatest thoughts were: Why?  Why did he fight me? Does he really hate me? Does he think I'll reset and go Genocide?

My hands felt warm from the blood. I jumped into the little river to clean up. The water stung but it was better than the dirt path. I got out and dried of the best I could and sat in front of the falls again.


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