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I arrived at Niall's house quicker than I thought.

It was 5:45 and I was waiting outside his house while thinking what Gemma said earlier about Niall's dad and my mum's affair.

Mum left us 6 years ago when my dad divorced with her and she found another man who lives in the USA so she decided to leave us,her children,with a prick who lives in the other part of the world.

I wonder if Niall knew this.I guess not.He didn't even know me before we met.He didn't even know my real name for fucks sake so I guess he still doesn't know about it.

A few minutes later,I saw Niall exited his house and ran into my Range Rover.He's wearing a plain black t-shirt,skinny jeans and and Adidas.He looked hot.

I exited the car to greet him and open the front door for him and he mumbled a 'thank you' and smiled at me.

''How are you?'' I asked him and started the car engine.

''Fine.Thanks,and you?'' he asked and continued ''your car is lit'' he told me.

I smiled and I thanked him.We talked about things such as my type of music,when did I start baking (I love baking) and the fact that I don't have Twitter,Facebook and Instagram account.

He kept rambling about why I should make them and if not he'll make them for myself.

So let him be and now,I have a Facebook account with 4 friends including him,Liam,Zayn and Louis and a Twitter account,I wasn't sure who he followed but he told me he followed a few famous celebrities like Taylor Swift,Selena Gomez,Ariana Grande,Troye Sivan and other artists.He really does like music.And finally,an Instagram account.I don't even like taking pictures of myself but Niall told me that I could post other things than selfies.I don't think I'm gonna use it anyways.

We arrived at the cinema and we decided to watch Me Before You (a/n im so sorry im a big fan of this book and yeah continue) Niall told me he has a huge crush on Emilia Clarke and he really wanted to watch that film because Sam Claflin is also in it.

We just finished watching the film,and god damn my shirt was soaked in tears.

Fucking feels.

Niall started crying when Louisa and Will went on a holiday and Louisa told Will that she knew about the Switzerland thing and bam,Niall cried like a baby.He was cute though.His cheeks were red and his eyes looked like someone just poured a bottle of acid on them.I was crying too,but whenever I look at Niall I smile because I've never seen someone this cute while they cry.

''I fucking hate those kind of films.'' he told me when we entered my car.

''I liked it.It's a lovestory with a sad ending.'' I told him and he shook his head and said ''But they both loved each other.But for Will,Louisa's love isn't enough to keep him alive.Like dude,you already found someone who loves you.''

I replied ''Yeah but if you were on Will's situation you would do the exact same thing.Like just think about not to be able to have sex?That sucks.And everybody pities you.But atleast he felt loved before he died,don't you think?'' I looked at him and he seemed very serious.

I didn't expect that this date would be about ranting about a heartbreaking film,but I like arguing with Niall.

''Yeah,I guess you're right.I feel sad for Louisa though.'' he told me. '' Who doesn't feel sad for her?'' I asked him and continued ''We're here.''

I parked my car and made sure I have my wallet and my phone on my pocket.We exited from the car and entered the restaurant.

A waiter led us in a table for 2 at the back of the restaurant where a few people chatting on their own.

''Any drinks sir?'' the waiter asked us

''I'll have a coke.'' Niall said and I looked at him confused.

''And for you sir?'' the waiter referring to me

''I'll have the same.'' I replied.

once the waiter was done scribbling on his notepad he said ''Okay I'll be right back.''

I took the chance to asked Niall ''Why did you get coke?''

He shrugged his shoulders ''I don't want to get drunk tonight.''

''Yeah,but you're Irish.''

''That doesn't mean I'm not suppose to drink coke.'' he smirked at me

''Okay'' I rose my hands in a defeated way

A few minutes later the waiter came back with our drinks and took our orders.

Niall ordered a pizza romana and I ordered a pasta bolognese.

I like Italian and so does Niall.Fortunately.

15 minutes later and our foods arrived and we started eating.

It was silent because we were really starving.Once we were done eating I rose my hands to call a waiter and asked for the receipt and paid.

''You ready?'' I asked Niall who was rubbing his tummy.

''Yeah.'' he replied ''Let's go'' and we stood up from our table.

It was a short drive from the restaurant to Niall's house since that there wasn't traffic.Fortunately.

''Thank you for tonight,Harry.'' Niall spoke

''I had fun.'' I told him

He smiled ''We should do this again next time.''

I nodded ''Yeah.''

''Bye'' he kissed my cheek and exited the car.

I watched him walk into his house when I saw an old man standing infront of the door.

His dad.


I'm so sorry I just really love Me Before You I read the book like 2 times and I still cried so yeah.
and i'll probably post 2 chaps later  ;))

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