Ct. The Not so Miraculous Miracle of Christmas

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A/N: I forgot which contest this was for lol (it's really old)
Drink after drink, the loud pulsing music flowed through me as I slowly waved my body in a way that made me seem like I was tripping on something. You could barely see the flashing multicolored lights shooting into the air through the pitch darkness of the club. My friends came to my side and stared waving with me.

"I feel sooo goood" Mason moaned softly. "Whhyy dooo I feeeel ssssoo goood?"

Now he was tripping on something. He started swinging his arms left and right and started doing judo kicks mixed with a random series of squats. I knew he was piss drunk out of his mind when the pelvic thrusts started rolling in a rapid secession.

"Ok, you've had enough" I laughed as I whipped my chin-length black hair out of my face. I tugged him by the inside of his elbow and after a good two seconds his legs weren't strong enough to resist my pull. Jessica saw my attempt and grabbed his other elbow. He always took these kinds of things too far but we never judged. All three of us were at the back of the club as Matt and Clara exited behind us.

"You guys leaving so soon" Matt doubted with a leaned smirk. Clara was wrapped around his shoulder, like usual. They just got together after like five years of denying their feelings for each other, that was, until they met Mason, Jessica, and I. Mason was like the human incarnation of cupid and put the hand of reason on them like a slap upside their heads. They came to their senses and finally dated. It was sad, but we actually celebrated, for like two whole days.

"Nah we'll leave you two lovebirds alone" Jessica jested with light sarcasm and a couple over the top hand gestures. "Wouldn't want to get in your way...of course not...because that would just be crazy, yah that would--"

"We figured it was about time so we'll see you" I interrupted her drawn out statement that would never have had a decent ending. She was madly in love with Matt for as as long as i can remember. Clara, Jessica and I have been best friends practically from birth because we've lived in Southern Kansas our entire lives. Matt and Mason are brothers, but Matt was the one who turned up in Jessica's third grade math class. Our school was small so we had like two teachers do math, science and social studies and another teacher will do art, music, and some other subject. It was complicated at first and I already had Jessica in several subjects, but by the will of the random gods, Matt and Jessica had the the same math teacher at the same time. I don't know where they sat or anything, but Jessica remembers it like it was yesterday.

"Well I'm beat, so if you guys are heading home then I might as well join you" Clara smiled as she pat her boyfriend's chest. Jessica and Clara's friendship didn't exactly burn to ashes that were then deep fried in the pits of hell after she realized that Matt was head over heels for Jessica's best friend instead of her, but it came damn close to a trip to Satan's throne. Clara never could figure out why Jessica suddenly turned on her like a wild animal when she told us that she liked Matt and that they've been having 'moments' in and out of school. It wasn't until we met Matt's brother, Mason, at Matt's house party that Mason made them realize they they both like each other. Jessica nearly died, but with my help and short but cute hook up with Mason, she was starting to become herself again.

We were all freshmen in college and almost twenty, but acted like petty teenagers. Still going out to parties like nothing changed. That's what I loved about them, they never change or differ from who they are.

"Who said anything about going home?" I questioned. "The night is just getting started"

"Are you kidding?" Mason asked. "It's Christmas eve...and...I have a lot of...cooking...to do"

"Can you even even spell you're name right now?"

"Quit mocking...quit mocking me!" he belched.

"Wait, you're not serious, are you?" Jessica asked. "It's like almost eleven and I have things to do by tomorrow"

Matt and Clara gave shot odd glances between themselves them looked at me saying they agree. "Kinda got families to tend too" Matt joked, hoping we would laugh to lighten the sudden tension I was giving off. I looked and felt betrayed.

"For what?" I almost shouted. "Lights and pretty decorations all over the house with crazy amounts of food everywhere only to be wasted? Because god knows no one can eat that much food"

Jessica stepped closer to me as if to rather to comfort me or calm me down. "That's the intention"

"The intention! The attention! The invention, the...what was the word again?" Mason yelled. Matt shook his head and broke from Clara and put his hand lightly on my shoulder.

"Hey you have a rather large family you need to get back to yourself, come on, tomorrow is the big holiday"

"I don't care and about no Christmas or no family...I thought you guys were my family" Everyone here was drunk, but it looks like only the girls and I couldn't handle our liquor. "Fine! I'll make my own Christmas!"
To maybe be continued...don't forget ta vote mates!

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