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It's been a couple weeks since we had our little dinner night with Norman.

I thought Aaliyah was gonna hate me because of how everyone was acting but she wasn't. I guess Norman really liked our family and thought that we were fun or some shit. So I'm glad that went well so me and Aaliyah are still okay.

I'm so happy Aaliyah and I are starting to get along but I'm a little sad cause me and Brad have been nothing but arguing since that night.

When Norman went home. I yelled at Brad because he was acting like a jerk to Norman. I mean I get that he doesn't like the fact that Aaliyah is dating but he could at least try and be supportive of her.

You might think I'm over reacting but this was really important to me. I'm trying my best to keep Aaliyah close and he just doesn't care.

I tell him that every time he makes a comment about Norman. I ask him to just be nice. But then that conversation always ends in an argument and now it's becoming that we argue about everything. I really don't like it.

"Brad can you please get up so I can make the bed. I'm trying to get some stuff done around the house before I leave for work."

I was now back working on my new movie and I have been falling behind on cleaning the house.

"Well can't you see I'm still in the bed and I don't plan on getting up." He says looking back at his phone.

"Brad you are off of work for a couple days the least you can do is help me out around instead of being  on your fucking phone all the time"

"oh my god you want me to make the damn bed." He says standing up yanking the blankets I had out of my hand.

"Stop it I'm doing" I try to snatch the covers back but he just moved his hand to where couldn't reach it.

"Why are you such an asshole." I raised my voice at him and smack him on the back.

"Why are you such a fucking bitch"

That hurt he's never called me a bitch ever.

He sees my expression change and he just looks downs and sighs.

"Look Jen I'm sorry okay" he says walking over to me trying to pull me in a hug but I pull away from him.

"No Brad just whatever" I say walking out the room and downstairs.

I walk in the kitchen and see Aubree cooking. She looks at me and I guess I looked a sad cause she seemed concerned.

"What's wrong ma"

"Nothing baby just a little tired. What are you cooking?" I ask trying to change the subject.


I laugh. She loves to cook she made me pay for her to take cooking classes at her school. I let her do it cause it can help me around the kitchen a little.

"Mom are you and dad fighting again" she asked me making a sad face.

If I know one thing it is that Aubree is probably the closest to me and Brad. She is always scared that we are gonna break up every time we fight.

"No sweetie we aren't gonna break up. We are just not...You know what don't worry about it honey me an your dad are fine" I say stroking her hair.

"Promise" she says putting out her her pinky finger. Ugh she makes me smile. I love my kids so much.

"I promise" I say back locking my pinky with hers.

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