Silent Treatment

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"Chelsea shut the hell up people are staring" I say mouthing sorry to this poor woman who's table was next to ours.

It's been a couple days and Brad and I haven't spoken to each other since our fight. Something about this fight just makes me hella sad.

Brad has never spoken to me like that before and it scares me. I know he stressed out with work and the kids but that still doesn't give him the right to treat Jonah like he did.

Anyway over the pass days Aubree doesn't wanna talk to me either after I broke her promise. She thinks me and Brad are gonna get divorced.

No matter how hard I try she just doesn't want to speak to me. It breaks my heart when she ignores me but what can I do. Just have to wait and see.

I have never felt to alone in my life before now. My husband and daughter won't talk to me. Aaliyah is never home and Jonah just plays with his toys all day. Courteney is out of town with Johnny so before I died of lonely ness I texted Chelsea to meet me for lunch.

I told her everything that happened and from the way she is chomping her burger. I can tell she's pissed off.

"Chelsea it's not a big deal. It's just a fight we are gonna work it out" I say sighing

She rolls her eyes.

"I don't care Jen he has no right to all you a cunt. I'm pretty sure your vagina is very clean since he always wants to be in it" She said a little loudly cause my eyes to widen.

This chick ain't got no filler what so ever! And i think that did it for the lady next to us cause she got up and walked out.

"Chelsea! That poor woman didn't even finish her food" I said trying not to laugh.

She started laughing cause me to chuckle to. She never fails.

"Well damn it's not like I said you had a dirty vagina. People are so sensitive these day"

I rolled my eyes and drank the last of my Diet Coke.

"Anyways so what are you gonna do about Brad and Aubree?" She asks.

"I'm just gonna talk to him and see if we can work out all the stress he has been going through. So far a Aubree I have no idea." I tell her playing with my hair.

"Well she is a kid she will get over it." She says taking my last French fry off my plate.

That's right I ordered a burger and French fries. I'm still human.

"I hope so. Are you done I have to go to the store and buy cookie dough. Jonah wants to make cookies tonight" I say getting my purse to pay for the check.

I pay for the check and we say our goodbyes and I head store.

I run in the store to avoid the papz. I walk to the aisle with the cookie dough and I looked at the different varieties.

Macadamia nut (Hell no)

Oatmeal raisin (That's fucking Nasty)

Chocolate Chip (Shit gets old)

I pick up the sugar cookie one just for the hell of it and I look at the label and already know I will regret giving Jonah this. But whatever.

When I'm done I decide that I need some Snapple drinks because they are are bomb af (Jen would never ever say that but oh well)

I went in the drinking aisle and seen that the kiwi strawberry was at the very top but I can't reach cause I'm to short.

Ugh Brad use to be the one to help me. Not that he would get it himself cause he was short to but he would lift me up so I could reach it. I miss my baby😭

A Family Of PittsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora