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Kai and Luhan teleport to the scene where the wolf had chew up the person at the park,

"This is so disgusting! "Kai said,

"No wolf can do that to a human being"Suho said and look nearer,

"We should clean up the scene before anyone saw this"Luhan told Suho who's in his deep thought,

"Yes, let's clean up"Suho snap out of his thinking and clean up the whole scene,

"Any clue who had done this? "Luhan ask Suho,

"I think it's not in a pack"Suho said while walking back to their mansion after cleaning the scene,

"It's only survive by it self ? " Luhan ask again

"There's wolf laws if you're in a pack, like not to kill any human being"Suho said,

"But, how could it survive?"Kai said,

Then Luhan saw someone is laying in the ground in the woods,

Then they walk nearer and saw it's a women who's cover with blood on her shirt,

"Is she death? "Kai ask

"No, she still has pulse"Suho kneel down and heart her heartbeat,

"It's Michelle's mother... She's the wolf"Luhan said when he look through the woman's mind,

"What, you mean she's the wolf who's trying to kill Michelle? "Kai ask,

"Yes, I can still sense the human blood on her shirt, "Suho said and get up when he saw shebopeb her eyes,

"Who are you, where am I? "She ask them,

"She don't remember? "Kai ask Luhan,

"Stop lying, we're wolves too, so show yourself "Luhan sense she's lying so he speak up to her,

Then your mother burst into tears and started to explain,

"I was bitten by a big wolf before we move here, I don't know what happen after that night, I just feel so burn and started to transform... "your mother sob,

"Did you tell Michelle about it? "Luhan ask her,

"She's... She's not my child, I saw her in the woods that day when I'm 25"your mother said,

"She's abandoned, she's the daughter of the wolf who bit me"She said,

"That means you marked on her and let her change into human? "Kai ask,

"Yes, I do it from a witch, Jessica Jung she promises it will not affect her growth"Your mother said,

"But do you know that she'll forget her parents and her own true self! "Suho said,

"That's why her father bit me and punish me this way, I'm sorry for the marked but she have to be marked"she said,

"Enough is enough you had kill someone and that's a crime, you shouldn't stay here anymore "Suho said,

"May I requested a little more help"Your mother pleaded,

"Please take care of my daughter, I really love her from the bottom of my heart, I never thought that it will hurt her"she said,

"We promised you to take care of her, now you may go"Suho said and tell her to leave,


"Hyung, how is it? "Sehun ask Luhan who had just came back,

They tell them the whole story about you and they were quite shocked,

"Who would be her pack? "Chen asked,

"Well, she should find out herself"Suho said and saw Chanyeol was not around,

"Where's Chanyeol? "he ask them,

"In the room with her, sleeping soundly "Baekhyun said

"Alright, let's go to bed, it's late already "He said and tell them to go to bed,

Chanyeol's room

He was sitting on a wooden stool beside your bed,

He hold your hand tight and never take his eyes away from you,

you were laying on bed sleeping soundly and peacefully,

He was glad that you were safe and will be staying with them,

so that he can apologize and change his first impression in you,

He fall asleep beside you and still holding your hands,

The next morning,

You wake up by the shinning of the sun and the warm heat around you,

You were stunned in the first place when you found out that it was not your room,

There's a keyboard and guitar at the corner of the room and it was clean and tidy,

You walk to the window and saw many trees around you,

Then someone knock and came in,

"Hi, morning need some breakfast? "he ask you that makes you almost scream in horror,

"Why, am I here... How.. I.. You"you were short of words when you saw 8t was Chanyeol,

The ultimate stalker of yours, and you were in his room,

"Are you alright, you look so pale.. "he said and pit his palm on your forehead that make you froze,

"Yoda, I'm hungry! "someone called out and you were surprise,

"Oh, hi Michelle"Baekhyun said and rub his eyes,

"Baekhyun?"you ask,

"Yeah, we're living together starting from today"he said happily and sleep on Chanyeol's bad,

"What!? "you almost shout when you heard his words,

"Well, your mum just called and she said she's going to have a long trip with her company, so you'll be staying with us "Suho said,

"I want to call my mum! "you almost yelled at him that makes him a little shocked,

"Sure, here you go"Suho past you the phone and went out with the two and leave you alone in the room,

You dialled her number and wait for her to pick up the phone,

"Hello? "she finally pick up the phone,
"Mum, where are you, why did you leave me here? "you almost cry out,

"Aw,baby I'm going to a company trip that's all, Suho is my nephew , I'm sorry I didnt tell you earlier "she said,

"But I don't want to leave you"you said and started to cry,

"You'll be fine with them, I'll miss you "she said

"I'll... I'll miss you too"you said and she put off the phone,

You sit on the bed and cry silently, you couldn't believe that she's leaving without you,

Then you couldnt hold it and burst out crying loudly that makes you feel better,

Chanyeol was sitting outside the door and he heard you crying, he feel sorry for you and wish to hug you in his arms so you won't feel alone.

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