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" Are we there yet, my butt hurts" Krystal say feeling annoyed of sitting too long in the car,

"Not yet" Chang Wook said while driving ,he glance at you after the conversation with you just now,

"What are you looking at?" Chanyeol ask him when he saw Chang Wook was glancing at you who is day dreaming while looking through the car window,

"I was checking whether there's any car behind us" Chang Wook said trying to get away from Chanyeol,

"Hope you are" He said and lay beside you,

"What you thinking?" Chanyeol ask yu when he put his chin on your shoulder,

"Trying to be cute?" You look at him and smile,

He blink his eyes and trting to be cute as you say,

"Kyungsoo oppa is cuter~" you say and make him jealous,

"Yah....i'm trying to be cute as you said"He said and put both of his palm under his chin and blink his eyes again,

"Aigooo what a cute puppy i have here~" you said and pinch his cheek,

"Ahhhh, that hurts!" he said and pull away from you,

"Both of you stop being cheesy"Krystal stared at both of you with her strong gaze that makes both of you shiver,

"Yah dont look at my girl like that !" Chanyeol suddenly shoo her off,

"Omo, oppa look your hyung is bullying me!" Krystal punch Kai's chest lightly,

Kai laugh  at their silliness and pull krystal in for a hug,

" Here here my baby~" he said,

"My girl, seriously?" you said ,

"What, aren't you my girl?" he said cheesily and scratch your lower chin with his finger,

"Yah Park Chanyeol where did you learn that from" you hit his head lightly,

"Suho hyung taught me that"he say

"Omg, seriously Suho oppa should stop playing those tricks , it's like an old man tricks" you said and they laugh at your words,

"Let's have some food at that resting station " Jihyo said and told Chang Wook to pull over,

Then all of you went into the resting station , but it was quite weird as there were not many people as usual,

" Hmmm, where are all the people...it's quite crowded in this timing though..." Chen said when he look around and saw a few hawker who's cooking only,

"Something's not right" Kris said and look around ,

" I can sense it too" Suho said standing beside you and Chanyeol on the other side,

" What's wrong?" You ask suho who's looking extremely stern,

"Chanyeol bring her into the car" Luhan order him,

"Kai go with him too and krystal" Jihyo order them and they quickly get you into the car,

"What's wrong?"You ask Chanyeol,

"Let's go" Chang Wook hop in and drive away quickly,

"What about them!?" Krystal ask 

"It's fine they won't get hurt" He answer,

"We'll meet at the palace " Chang Wook speak over the phone to Suho ,

"Can somebody tell me what just happen?"you ask,

"It's fine you don't have to know for now" Chanyeol comfort you and give you a big warm hug,

"Chanyeol...it's not okay" you pull away from his hug ,


"I have the rights to know everything...it's like i'm not one of you guys..." You said feeling unwanted ,

Tears started to roll down to your cheeks and you can't stop crying,

"Oh come on...." He wipe away your tears and hug you again,

"She's right she have the rights to know everything" Krystal said 

"Krystal..." Kai wanted to stop her,

"What if she dies tomorrow and she knows nothing about her death!" Krystal suddenly burst out and shock everyone in the car,

"What did you say?" Chanyeol ask her again

"I..i mean...uh fuck you Michelle i don't care and i am going to tell them!" she shouted,

" What did you two hide from us?" Kai ask both of you,

"No shut up!" You shouted 

"Tell us what...what does she means that you're going to die tomorrow?" Chanyeol ask you while holding both of your shoulder,

" I saw her future, she's fucking going to die tomorrow!" Krystal burst out your secret,

"...." the car went silent suddenly,

Chanyeol look at you with disbelief eye, you feel guilty and couldn't look at him,

"Is it true?" He ask you with his sore voice ,

Not looking at him you cover your eyes with both of your hand trying to avoid his question,

"Answer me, is it true what she said is going to happen to you?" He ask again while tears started to roll down from his eyes this time,

"it's true..." you said weakly,

"why didn't you talk to me about this...the whole time i was with you"he said 

"Chanyeol...." you look at him and realize he was crying ,

"Don't you believe me?" he ask you ,

"It's not like that ....i'm sorry...."you apologize,

" She doesn't want you to worry " Chang Wook suddenly speak up,

"What, even he knows before me?!" Chanyeol was furious,

"He...I..." You couldn't explain how did it happen,

He sigh out and wipe away his tears not looking at you anymore,

"Chanyeol..." you hold his finger with your little hand trying to comfort him,

But he doesn't care anymore , still not looking at you ,

"Stop being jealous now, she's fucking dying tomorrow!" Krystal yell at Chanyeol,

"She's not going to die tomorrow, stop talking nonsense!" Chanyeol yell back,

"Stop it guys!" you said weakly feeling a bit dizzy ,

"Just accept her and stop being a kid!" Krystal yell back,

Kai try to stop her but she was too furious to handle,

"Guys...." you said trying to stop them from fighting each other,

"I'm not acting like a kid and stop saying she's going to die !" Chanyeol yell back at her,

Krystal was so furious that she get up from her seat and try to slap him on the face,

"Stop it ...Krystal...Chanyeol " you said for the last time and fainted in the car,

"Michelle!" all of them shouted ,

"We have to get back to Lay hyung, now!" Chanyeol told Chang Wook,

"I can help" He said and park the car aside getting down from the car and suddenly a truck came over and knock him down ,

"OMG!"Krystal scream in fear,

Kai quickly cover her eyes and pull her into a hug,

"He's dead...he's dead...." Krystal was trembling in Kai's embrace.

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