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Then you and them prepared for school in the morning and walk out from the forest,

But just as you walk along the road talking and laughing with them,

Suddenly Woo Bin's car drive along the road and stop in front of you,

"Where have you been? "he ask you,

Chanyeol wanted to help you but you stop him to do so,

"So now he's your boyfriend? "he ask you looking shock,

You can't explain as soulmate to him, it's just he won't understand,

"Say something! "he shouted at you when you didn't look at him,

"My... My mum went to work and... "he didn't let you finish and he just hug you,

Chanyeol wanted to punch him in the face but you stop him,

"It's just that I love him, and that's all"you say and make him laugh sarcastically,

"I don't believe it! "he shouted and drove away leaving you and Chanyeol behind,

"You ok? "Chanyeol ask you when he saw you sobbing,

"He's like a brother to me... I can't hurt him...but now see what have I done "you say to Chanyeol ,

"It's fine now I'll always be here"he said and hug you,

Then you walk with him to school holding hands together and don't care about what other says,

"Michelle! "Amber shouted when she sees you and hug you instantly,

"Where have you been I thought you are dead! "Crystal say and hug you,

"I just.... "

"So you just dump Woo Bin? "Sulli ask you when she saw you holding hands with Chanyeol,

"Well I.... "

Then some group of girls walk pass and call you slut,

You hold your breath and Chanyeol squeeze your hand and calm you down,

He know how hard for you to control your power as you're new,

So all he could do is just to calm you down,

"What Is their problems? "Sulli ask,

"Just ignore them, let's go"Amber say and walk to the class with both of you,
Then you saw Kai is always peeking at Crystal,

You can feel how uncomfortable Crystal is while groaning in anger,

You call kai in mind to tell him some,

"Kai" you whisper in mind,

He instantly turn to you and turn his head back,

"What? "he answer coldly in his mind,

"Stop looking at Crystal, she hates it I can feel it "you tell him,

He groan and look at you with anger,

You got shocked a little but Chanyeol cut him off,

"Well, I know you're a good boy and I know how to help you to get Crystal, so listen"you whisper in mind that makes him soften a bit,

"How? "he ask back,

"Well, it's a girls way but "you said,

"Why you're willing to help me? "he ask again,

"It's simple, because you're Chanyeol's brother and you're my brother too"you say,

"....."he went silent for a while ,

"Thanks...... Noona "he whisper and blush,

"Michelle, Michelle! "Amber whisper to you,

"Yes... "

"Stop daydreaming! "she whisper and make you laugh a little,

Then it's physical class and you saw there's the group of girls again,

"Who's that girl"you ask Amber,

"Oh, she's Woo Bin ever fangirl, Cheery Oh"She said,

Then Cherry walk to you and eye you up and down,

"So I heard that you and Woo Bin are going out together "she said that sent shiver down to your spine,

"It's.. It's not true, we're just.. child friends"you said,

"But now he's heartbroken over you"she said and make you went silent,

"Cherry, she's... "Amber try to help but only received a slap on the face,

"Don't interrupt me! "she hiss

You were angry at her and fight back for Amber,

You slap her face in return and gain a lot of shock from others,

She look at you with both fumed eyes,
"How dare you treat people like that! "you said and didn't realise that Woo Bin is walking toward both of you,

"What's wrong baby? "he ask while putting his hands around her neck,

"She slap me!"she pounted to him,

You were shock when you realise Cherry and Woo Bin is going out together,

"Now I'm warning you not to slap my girlfriend or else... "he lean closer to you,

You stop talking and just hold your tears but he still saw them in your beautiful sparkling eyes,

He went silent and just stare at you until,

"I will never slap her unless she behave, and.... I will not see you again for the rest of my life! "you hiss and walk away,

He went numb and stand there, guilty crept up on him,

"Am I too harsh on her"he ask himself when he realise that he himself just made you cry,

You run towards the toilet and sob there not believing that the one who use to protect you are the one who hurt you now,

"Are you feeling alone? "a sound come through your mind,

Then you look around and saw nobody is there except you,

"Who are you? "you ask to the air,

"Don't you remember my voice, dear"he said,

"Show yourself! "you shouted at the air,

"It's not the time yet, you have to realise that who am i"he whisper,

Then Chanyeol come in to the toilet,

He was worry about you, he hug you tightly with his arms,

"Chanyeol, it's a girl's bathroom! "you whisper,

"I don't care, I just wanted to show you're fine"he said and not letting you go,

"I'm fine... "you said while hugging him,

He just won't let you go away from his hug,

"We should go now.... "you tell him,

"But I wanted to hug for a while"he pounted,

You laugh at his cuteness and you hug him tightly,

"I know right! "you heard someone is coming in so you pull Chanyeol into one cubicles,

"Not again "you whisper when you didn't realise that Chanyeol is smirking while hugging you,

"You plan this didn't you? "you ask him and he just chuckle silently.

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