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You cry until you fall asleep on his bed,

He quietly walk in and cover you up with the blanket like your mum did,

You thought it was your mum and hold his hand,

"Don't go,... Don't leave me alone"you sob in your dreams,

Chanyeol wipe away your tears and hold on tight your hands,

He feel angry and bad about himself who couldn't help you when you're in sorrow,

"Kwenchana, I'm here"he said and tug you to sleep,

"Chanyeol... "Suho whisper,

He put your hand into the blanket and walk out silently,

"I think you will have to stay in the living room tonight"He say,

"it's OK, I understand hyung"He said and walk down to have his breakfast,

"Hyung, is Michelle feeling better? "Sehun asked while munching his bread,

"Better I think" he said and sit down to have his breakfast,

"She needs time Sehun, just let her rest"Luhan said and chew on his peanut butter cookies,

"Is she joining us to school? "Chen asked Suho,

"I'll stay at home with her"Chanyeol said before Suho could said anything,

"That'll be fine"Suho said and continue to eat his breakfast,

Then they finish their breakfast and left the house,

Later on you suddenly wake up and was studying Chanyeol's room,

He likes hat a lot as there's a big collection of hats in his room,

It's quite a neat room for a boy as its clean and tidy,

You wake up and and walk out of the room, following by going down the stairs as you heard there's someone who's washing dishes in the kitchen,

You suddenly feel you leg went jelly and drop on the floor,

Chanyeol heard and help you up to sit on the chair,

He tell you to wait as he'll bring your breakfast to you,

Then you saw him cooking as its an open kitchen that you can see what he's doing there,

He is really concentrating on his cooking and cleaning in the kitchen that actually attracts you,

"Is there something on my face? "he said and rub his face,

Then you realise that you're actually staring him for a while,

"Ani, nothing is on your face"you said and shake your head,

He smile and continue his work,

Minutes later, you can smell nice fragrant coming from the kitchen that makes your tummy roar,

"Hungry already? "he teased you when he heard your tummy roaring,

You smile and just started to eat up your breakfast,

He started to clean the dishes on the table and you decided to start a conversation with him,

"So, you and them.... are staying together? "you ask him who's busy washing the dishes,

"Ne, we're staying together for quite sometime already " he said,

"Where's your parents? "you ask him,

He suddenly stop washing and just keep quiet for a long time,

"They... Well they left me"he said sadly and continue his washing,

"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.... Really,im sorry"he apologize

"It's OK, it's been years already"he said softly,

You look down at your breakfast and feel sorry for him, a little boy living alone without his family,

Then he saw your face and decided to cheer you up,

"Well, is not that bad since I have my hyungs and dongsaengs"he said and walk to your place,

"Isn't it weird when so many boys living under a roof ? "

"Nah, it's quite interesting though " he said and climb up the stairs

Then you eat your breakfast and minutes later he walk down with a pillow and some soft toys,

He put it on the sofa and was tidying up the blanket and his pillow,

"Who're sleeping at here? "you ask him,

"Me, well you're going to stay in my room so yeah, I'll be sleeping here"he said and smile cheerfully,

Then you feel a little guilty and pity for him as you took his room ,

"Well, if you want you can still sleep at your room,.... "you said while not thinking straight,

"Really, you don't mind? "he ask looking happy,

"Well if you don't mind the floor is too hard "you said,

"Sure, it's okay as long as I can stay with you.... "he whisper to himself

"What? "you ask him,

"Oh, I mean Yah, it's okay for me"he said happily and bring up all his things,

Then he accompany you ylto your house and pack all of your things,

"I'm going to miss you... "you whisper when you pass by your mum's house ,

"You ready? "Chanyeol ask from the kitchen,

"Yah, I'm coming "you say and went down to the kitchen,

Then both of you heard someone honking in front of your house,

So you went out with Chanyeol and saw Woo Bin standing outside your house,

"Why are you here? "Woo Bin seems to fuse up with anger,

Chanyeol didn't say anything and excuse himself from you and walk out of your house ,

But Woo Bin stop him by holding his collar and punch him in the face,

"Omo, oppa! "you try to stop their fight but it was too aggressive,

Both of them were punching each other on the road until someone from the neighbourhood stop both of them,

From your instinct you just run towards Chanyeol and check on his wound,

He was quite shock when you choose him over Woo Bin,

"So he's your boyfriend now? "Woo Bin said looking sad and hurt,

"No, it's not like that, I... I just.. "you can't explain your feeling,

The first thing that came to your mind is to check on Chanyeol, something on your mind just tell you to check on him,

Woo Bin was pissed and drive away leaving you and Chanyeol behind,

You help Chanyeol to stand up and walk back to their mansion,

"I'm sorry"he said,

"It's not your fault.... "you tell him and help him to sit on the sofa,

But suddenly you saw his wound was healing, some of it was disappear,

"I know what you're seeing, I just want you to calm down and listen to me, I'm going to tell you something "

You nodded and keep quiet, waiting for his answer,

"I'm a werewolf, we are werewolves and so are you"he said looking into your eyes.

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