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Then Suho wake you up at dawn and bring you into deep inside the jungle,

"So how was Chanyeol last night? "he ask you,

"Fine.... "you said and walking behind him,

Then you and him reach a cottage which is surrounded by roses,

It was an old fashioned but clean cottage,

Suho knock a short hint of sound on the door,

Then a lady in long bronze hair open the door for both of you,

"Suho! "she said happily and open the door for him and you,

"Nice to see you again, Jessica"He said and hug her,

"And this is? "Jessica ask him when he saw you,

"Well, I guess you know it already "Suho said,

"Of course... The scent of the Phoenix flame "she said while closing her eyes like she saw something,

"Huh? "you ask her when she said that,

"Well, I mean Chanyeol's soulmate "she said and sit on her chair,

Then, she gesture you to sit beside her,

You follow and sit next beside her,

"Well, you came to seek for my help and what is it? "she ask Suho who's looking serious,

"Well, we need your potion, love potion"He said,

"Huh, why should you have that? "Jessica look confused,

"Well, I don't love him but he's dying and I don't want that to happen so I need your love potion to heal him"you said,

"Well, that won't work"she said and sip her coffee,

"But he said you're the most powerful witch! "you said,

"Yes I am but love is the greatest power in earth,sweety"she said and look into your eyes,

Suho went silent when she said there's no cure for his little brother,

"Love him with all your heart, seek it yourself, find back your memory"she said and hand you a memory potion secretly before she tell both of you to leave,

"So what should I do now? "you ask Suho who's walking with you while drinking the memory potion,

Then he shus you and was listening to something,

A while later, he look at you and tell you,

"RUN! " he said and pull your hand running like crazy,

But unfortunately something that Suho wanted to avoid happening had happen,

"So, I smell some humans here"A grey wolf stop both of you while standing on a rock in front of you ,

Suho hid you at his back,

You couldn't believe that the wolf is actually talking,

Then a few of them appear around both of you,

"You couldn't attack the alpha like that"Suho hiss,

"Well, no one sees that it's us who did it, so why care? "the wolf said and laugh,

Then Suho change into his wolf form and stand in front of you,

"So tell me, little girl how would you like to be eaten? "The wolf ask you while still laughing,

Then Suho jump to it and started to fight each other,

But the others saw and fight with them,

You shouted them to stop but non will listen,

You saw Suho was bitten and scratch,

Suddenly your head hurts and you squat down holding your head and scream,

While you were screaming, a transparent semi half circle form on you and also on Suho's head making the other wolf to kick out of Suho,

They were scared and run away leaving both of you,

You feel so exhausted and faint in the ground,

Suho was amazed and realise his wound was healing and he saw you fainted so he quickly bring you back to the mansion,

"Lay! "He shouted,

"Omo, what again this time? "he said and check on you,

"She had powers! "Suho said,

"Huh? "they all said,

Then he explain the whole situation and they were amazed too,

"What is this? "Sehun saw the potion bottle in your bag,

"It's.... Memory potion! "D. O said when he smells it,

"She drink it!"Lay said and take away his hand from your forehead when he feels something strong zap his hand,

"Ouch! "Lay said and they look at him,

"She.... Reject my cure"Lay said and look amused,

"He need her, Now! "Kris said when he walk out from Chanyeol's room and told the rest of them,

Lay quickly put you beside Chanyeol who's now look as pale as a white sheet of paper,

"He's not breathing! "D. O said and keep hitting Chanyeol's chest,

"Hyung! "Sehun shouted to lay who's trying to heal him,

"It's not working, I can't reach his heart"Lay said and all of them look at Chanyeol's pale face when he finally breathe out his last breath,

"No, wake up,Chanyeol!"Luhan shouted at him beside Chanyeol's bed,
"She's not breathing too! "Kai saw your chest stop moving when Chanyeol's heart stop beating,

"Wake her up, Now! "Baekhyun shout at Kai who's standing beside you,

"No, it's too late we lost them"Suho said,

"We, we couldn't just let them die like that! "Luhan said,

"Hyung, we can't do anything..... "Tao said and comfort luhan,

"No..... "luhan cried,

Your POV

"where am I? "you said looking around yourself,

There's lots of cloud surrounding you,
Then you saw a woman and a man hugging a new born child in front of you,

"What's her name? "a little boy ask when he touch the baby's cheek,

"Michelle "the man said and make you feel shock,

"Is... Is that me... This is my memory? "you said to yourself,

"Hi, Michelle I'm your brother jae Jung "he said and smile at you,

They can't see you or feel you as thesis only your memory,

Suddenly someone knock on the door, that makes your parents jolt up,

"Run to the woods they won't find you there! "the man said and gesture them to run away from the cottage,

You follow the woman and the little boy into the woods,

Then you heard shooting of fun from the cottage that makes your heart sink,

"No... Jae Jung bring your sister and hide in the woods I'll come back later"she said and hand you over to the boy who quickly run into the woods,

Then she run towards the cottage and join the man,

"No, come back mother! "you try to stop her but is already too late,

Both of them had shoot them and they were dead in a pool if blood.

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