Imagine #5 - Elijah

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Prompt: "Please come home"

Summary: You and Elijah have a fight resulting in you walking out.

Your POV

I never thought this would happen to Elijah and I. I never expected that I would leave. My home, my life. But yet again I lost my trust with him.


"Honey, I'm home" I stumble into our home holding our one year old daughter, Scarlett, while our other four year old daughter, Ellie, skips in happily. There is no answer.

"Babe?" I call out once more. Still no answer. "Ellie, come" I say pointing to the couch. She plops down and I put on the tv on for her. Then I head to the stairs, still carrying Scarlett. "Elijah?" I say a little louder. Still no answer. I frown.

I open our bedroom door to find Elijah on the bed with a girl under him. I choke out a cry. Elijah snaps his head at the sound. He immediately gets off the girl, coming towards me. "Y/N, it's not -" He starts. "No! Don't say that bullshit!" I shout angrily. "Y/N, I seriously mean it" Elijah says.

"No! Why would you ruin everything we have? We have two beautiful girls, you had a wife, were we not good enough?" I choke out, tears streaming down my face. Elijah stops and thinks about what I said. "Had? What do you mean I had a wife?" Elijah cries. "You know exactly what I mean" I glare and storm out.

I quickly walk out of our bedroom and into our girls room, grabbing clothes, diapers, bottles, everything needed for a baby. Once I finish I turn around and see Elijah in the doorway. I push past him and quickly walk down the stairs.

"Ellie, come on baby" I say grabbing her hand and leading her out the door. I struggle to hold Scarlett and the baby bag. But I manage to get to the car. "Y/N" Elijah starts, but my glare stops him. And with that we left.

End of Flashback

"Auntie Y/N, it's okay" Hope, a beautiful 9 year old now, says. I smile at her. "You're such a sweet girl, Hope. how is Klaus your dad" I laugh. Klaus walks into the room carrying Scarlett. "Oh hush, I'm very proud to be her daddy" Klaus says kissing Hopes head. I smile at the bond. After everything that happened, I went to the one person I trusted. Klaus.

"Momma" Scarlett stutters out. I smile and take her from Klaus' arms. "Thank you for everything" I smile softly. "You're my best friend, I have to take care of you" Klaus smiles. "I just- it's been 2 weeks" I frown looking down. "Y/N, I know you love him. He's an idiot for not coming for you. Or your beautiful girls" Klaus admits. I hug him.

"Mommy! Daddy is here!" I hear Ellie shriek happily. I look up and see Elijah in the doorway, with a sour face. "Get off my wife, Niklaus" Elijah says agitatedly. Klaus smirks and backs away. "Y/N may I talk to you" Elijah nervously asks. I nod and put Scarlett back in Klaus' arms.

We reach an empty room. "What is that you need?" I ask. "Y/N, please let me talk and no interruptions, please" Elijah begs. I nod. "Ok, I'm so sorry that I haven't came here till now. I needed time to think about everything. I want to be honest with you. That women was a mistake. It looked horribly wrong when you came in. But I promise to you. I never slept with her. Listen to my heart! I never did. I love you and only you. Please come home, you and our girls." Elijah concludes. I look at him. His eyes are puffy, as if he has been crying for days, his nose is red, and there are bags under his eyes. I frown at his features. My poor baby.

"Elijah, I-I believe you. But you lost my trust, and you know how much I value trust." I say. "However, doesn't mean that it's gone forever. I love you but you need to fix our trust. I will come home with you." I softly smile at Elijah.

"Oh gosh, thank you. I'll make it up to you!" He says with a sigh of relief before he pulls you in for a deep kiss. "Did I miss anything?" Elijah asks against your lips. "This" a new voice says. We turn around to see Scarlett, toppling around, and Klaus.

"My baby girl! Scarlett, I'm so proud of you!" Elijah says enthusiastically, picking her up and holding her tight. She squeals in delight. "Daddy!" Ellie comes barging in with Hope on her heels. Elijah quickly picks her up too. Hope goes to hug Klaus. "I'm sorry babe" Elijah says once more. And I know he truly means it.

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