Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Since they already knew who was behind the attack on the Temple, and there were many things to be done, only Obi-Wan went into the Temple to recalibrate the code calling the Jedi back. While he did that, Yoda was on his way to face the new Emperor—Senator Organa had reported that the Republic had been made into a new Galactic Empire with Palpatine—Darth Sidious—as its first emperor. In the meantime, Ahsoka had been sent to find out where Anakin was. They had to face him. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan would confront him together, and unfortunately, also kill him. Neither of them wanted to, but it was the only way to stop him. His mind was made up. They had both accepted that.

Ahsoka followed her instincts and went first to Padme's apartment, thinking that Anakin would have visited her before leaving. See-Threepio greeted her when her speeder landed.

"Come in, Master Tano. I will get Mistress Padme."

The protocol droid didn't need to fetch her. Padme had seen Ahsoka coming and tackled her with a hug when she walked in.

"Oh, Ahsoka, thank goodness you're alive." Padme said as she hugged her.

Ahsoka took no time for pleasantries, stepping back. "The Republic has fallen. Padme, The Jedi Order is no more."

"I know," she nodded, "it's hard to believe everything to which we've dedicated our lives is gone."

"We—Yoda, Obi-Wan, and I—believe we have been part of a plot hundreds of years in the making."

"The Senate is still intact, there is some hope." Padme insisted.

"No. Padme, it's over. The Sith now rule the galaxy as they did before the Republic."

"The Sith?" Padme exclaimed, disbelief written all across her face.

"Emperor Palpatine lied to the Senate. The Jedi attacked him because he is Darth Sidious. He is a Sith Lord." Ahsoka paused, giving Padme a moment to process the information. "I'm here looking for Anakin. When was the last time you saw him?"

"Yesterday." She answered, somewhat guarded.

"And do you know where he is now?"

"No." Ahsoka could tell Padme was lying.

"Padme, I need your help. He's in grave danger."

"From the Sith?"

"From himself." Ahsoka took Padme's hand and lowered her to the couch. She knew the news she was about to deliver would be hard to hear. "Padme, Anakin has turned to the dark side."

Padme stood immediately, ripping her hands from Ahsoka's grip. "You're wrong! How could you even say that?"

"I saw him kill Mace Windu, I saw him kill younglings. I saw him pledge his allegiance to the Sith and become Darth Vader." Ahsoka's voice became quiet.

Padme shook her head, hysterical. "Not Anakin! He couldn't!"

"He was deceived by a lie. We all were. Palpatine is behind everything, including the war. Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've been looking for. After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice."

"I don't believe you . . . I can't."

"Padme, Obi-Wan and I have to find him."

There was a pause. Then, Padme spoke, "you're going to kill him, aren't you?"

"He has become a very great threat. I don't want to anymore than you do. He's my Master. He's been a protective older brother to me. If there was any other way . . ."

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