The fight (not the war)

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                  Renkais' P.O.V
Today was the day I would show Zalgo what I was capable of. We were currently in a field of soon-to-be-dead-grass. "Begin!" Yelled Zero. Oh yeah. And everyone was watching. We (Zalgo and I) were not moving at all. "I said..BEGIN!" Yelled Zero once again. No movement. He then threw a fireball towards me. Well then you know what they say. You have to fight fire with fire. I then made threw a fireball twords his they both blew fire EVERYWHERE. Me and him however were not effected. That being so I used my shadow powers to go behind him and pierce my katana in his chest. I also cut him most places. He then fell to the ground dead. "Aww I thought this would be more interesting." I wined. He then healed himself. "Nice work." He then told me. I had a feeling he knew I wasn't trying. Everyone was in shock. "How...?" Asked a very confused Red. "I'm not a weak as you think I may seem." I told him. I then felt someone throw me onto a tree. Luckily, I managed to jump off it before any real damage was done. "Hmm, reflexes..check." I heard Zalgo mumble.
The next thing I did was sprint to my room. I was that eager to sleep. I soon crashed as soon as my head hit the pillows. I fell asleep listening to This Little Girl

( I don't own the song!!!)

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