chapter two | elevator things

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When I entered the lift, I didn't expect to see this.

Now as the lift doors close, I stand in front of the Cadwell boy, who is still dressing up hurriedly. He only has his underwear, pants, and half-buttoned shirt on, and he is now buckling his belt. Shite, his body is toned even though he looks slim. 

"Jesus! Can't you do that in your room?" I shout.

He looks up and notices me for the first time with an amused face, "I'm in a hurry." Then he moves on to button up his shirt, tugging it into his pants and putting on a blazer. Wow, a suit?

"Whatever you say, young man." I reply and step out as we reach the ground floor.

"Hey," he calls and follows me nonchalantly. How is it that he keeps up with me so effortlessly when I'm fast-walking? "You're Allie Forte from yesterday, right?"

I nod, raising my eyebrow. I didn't expect him to remember me at all. "And does this Mr Cadwell have a name?"

"That's for you to find out." He smirks before he struts out the building, leaving me alone. Arsehole.

"That's not fair!" I yell, and he only waves his hand lazily.

I reach out my key card that comes with my room key and press it against the sensor. The door clicks open, but a familiar voice stops me from exiting.

"Oh my god, Allie, is that you?"

Turning around, I am met by a schoolmate (I don't really know her) from my previous school, Melina. I'm surprised, "Melina! Wow, didn't expect to meet anyone here!"

"I know right, where are you going?"

I tell her that I'm getting something to eat, but then she insists that we go together since she hasn't eaten either. I observe that she has the full glam makeup on and well-manicured nails. I wonder if it's her daily makeup style or she was out with other people? We end up eating sandwiches in Pret A Manger and running late for curfew. I hastily return to my room without being noticed by the houseparents or staffs. If my possible roommate arrived or not is all I can think about. Fortunately, no one appeared, so I text my mum whereabouts I am and such.

Successfully moved into Kensington Independent College's boarding :) I'm doing fine

She texts me back within a minute: That's good to hear, honey! Go to sleep early tonight. Love you! x

Ok! Love you too x

Opening my laptop, I check my email for any work to do. Quinn Innovations is asking for the weekly evaluation. I quickly find the file that I saved before and click it. I add some information charts and updated calculations to the file and send it via email, then I start a new file for another company's evaluation. It's weird to say, but I like my job.

What happened to sleeping early? It's now 1:20 am.

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The morning sunlight almost blinded me. My possible roommate never showed up, so I'll take this as I'm having the room all by myself. It has only been a day, and this place is already messy. Oops.

I throw on my uniform, and it fits me perfectly. Our uniform consists of a white shirt, a grey pleated skirt, and a black blazer with the red and gold school emblem on it. The difference between boys' and girls' uniform is that boys get to wear a scarlet tie with black stripes on it and well, obviously they don't wear skirts. I put on black socks and my only pair of pointed black flats. I examine myself once again in the mirror—wait what mirror? Did I mention that this bloody room has no mirror except the one in the toilet? And it can only show half of my body no matter how far I am to the mirror? Great. I apply my new moisturiser, mascara, and lip balm on my face and define my brows with the brow pencil.

Melina (I guess the full glam makeup is her daily routine) comes knocking my door as I am about to leave. Packing my pens and notepad into my backpack, I walk to the canteen for breakfast with her, appreciated for a company in an unfamiliar place.

There are different crowds of people sitting at different tables. From my observation, there are the four Italian boys at the centre table of the room, a huge group of Spanish boys and girls chatting aloud in Spanish near the windows, a Russian table, and the rest of the students are just scattered around the canteen in pairs or small groups. Melina and I settle on an empty table with our trays. I have a toast with Nutella spread on it, a small croissant, and a glass of milk on my tray. She only has a glass of soy milk.

"Are you sure about that?" I start the conversation, pointing at her tray.

"I'm not hungry," is all she says. I raise my eyebrows as a response and dig into my meal. Cadwell is nowhere to be seen, and that relieves me. I quickly finish my food and leave for math class.

The morning has been great, the teachers are expert at their subjects, unlike the teachers I used to have in my previous school. I have German for Modern Languages, but I don't see any German in our school except our teacher, Mr Bauer.

It's lunch time again, and after eyeing the food, I decide to eat off campus. Why? It looks awful.

"So have you figured it out yet, Forte?"

I shoot my head up at the remark and immediately regret it. There he is, mocking me as I exit myself out of the building in his tailored uniform, looking as polished as usual. His hair is well-groomed in a slicked-back hairstyle. "No, I haven't, Cadwell, care to enlighten me?"

"That would lose the fun, wouldn't it?" He teases, a trace of smirk resting on his perfect face. Can he not?

"Enjoy the fun yourself then, I have something more important to do than this." Which is getting something to eat. I reply with slight irritation, walking away.

"Feisty, huh?"

I ignored that.

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