chapter twelve | fall formal (continued)

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As Michelangelo and I dance through the pounding music, I can't help but wonder where has Noah gone. I'm pretty sure almost an hour has passed, yet he isn't here. 

Michelangelo senses my unease and stops dancing. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I lay my hand on his arm, "it's just that Noah drove me here and he still hasn't shown up. I'm a little worried."

"Do you need me to go looking for him?"

I shake my head, "no, I don't want to bother you. You know what, I'll go. You can rest and get something to eat. Sorry." I give him an apologetic smile and pat his arm before walking away.

"You know he's my friend, too, right?" I hear him shout from afar, and I just wave my hand. I try to move past the people around me and look for Noah. I don't know how many times I said "sorry," but it's probably enough times to make up the number of words needed for a short essay. After a good measure of ten minutes, I spot a familiar figure near the exit of the ballroom and make my way to him. He sees me and waves at me.

"Where on earth were you?" I roll my eyes and poke him right in his chest.

"Oh, so you're worried about me?" Giving me his signature smirk, Noah adjusts his posture and slaps my hand off him lightly.

"You damn right I was," I blurt out before regretting it.

"I had a hard time finding a place to park. Besides, I met Harvey on the way here, so don't blame me," he grins. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Angelo?"

"I—" I am about to answer him when someone interrupts me.

"Here you go, Noah," Melina hands him a cup of what I believe that appears to be soda and snakes her hand around his arm. "Let's go dance before the night's over."

Miss, the night has just begun, okay? I try to resist rolling my eyes. She completely ignores me, and I guess that means our so-called friendship is over. But seriously? Melina? He had one job, which is to find a decent date, and he got Melina?

Noah's comment pulls me away from my endless thoughts and into the reality. "Sure, but I'm talking to Allie now, can it wait?"

Melina rolls her eyes, "um, no?"

I can tell that he's about to say something, but I talk before he does. "Actually, I am supposed to be with Michelangelo, so ciao, and enjoy the dance 'before the night's over.'" I mock.

"Allie—" Noah tries to call me but I just leave. Because who wants more drama, right? Right.

It takes me awhile to find Michelangelo again since there are really a lot of people here. "Hey, I'm back."

"Took you long enough," he grins. "I was starting to believe that you're not coming back. Did you find him?"

I laugh, "yeah, he was busy with Melina. Can we go back to where our table is? There are so many people here."

"Sure thing. Is there something wrong? You look upset." He asks considerately as we walk.

We reach our destination, but only a few people are here. Almost every single person is on the dance floor, swinging their hips along with some hip music.

"No, no. I'm perfectly fine." I lie as we come to a stop. I admit I am mad that Noah chose Melina.

"Good," he comments. Then he suddenly leans towards me and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I visibly freeze in motion mainly due to the fact that I have no idea what to do. He pulls away slowly a short moment after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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