chapter six | going for a drive

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It's a Friday evening, and with thousands of books (fine, not really) in my hands, I approach the library located on the first floor to return them. No, I haven't dropped all my books like you'd see in a movie, and there isn't any hot guy that is willing to help me. Rhyme. Yay. So, why do I have so many books in my hands? Don't ask me. Apparently, a teacher acted as if she had an emergency and couldn't handle these. Moving on, I leave the library and grab myself an iced latte (yes, we have a school cafe beside our library). The plastic cup is wet from the coldness of the beverage, and I wipe my hand on my grey uniform skirt.

The sound of my footstep clicks loudly as I walk quickly. With still an agenda in my hand and a latte in the other, my phone rings abruptly. I hastily fish out my phone and pick up, "Allie Forte, how can I help you?" Oh god, it's become a habit for me to greet people this way.

"Look up." A strangely familiar voice, which I have no idea who the owner is, responds. The two main buildings of the school are connected by bridges on each floor and I'm standing on one of them. I look up to the second floor's bridge and see Cadwell smirking at me.

"Why on earth do you have my number?" I reply, annoyed and surprised.

"Did you forget that I'm the principal's son and I have all the resources I need if I want?" He answers arrogantly. "And what's with the greeting, though? What are you, a secretary?"

I roll my eyes, making sure that he sees me doing so by facing him. "Shut up, arsehole. What do you want?"

"I want you to meet me at the reception so I can tell you what other things I want." He says and hangs up immediately, not allowing me to respond in any way.

"Jerk," I say under my breath and starts walking. Well, I have nothing else to do, besides, I'd like to know what he really wants from me so I can not give it to him. Hehe.

After walking deliberately slow, I meet the devil himself on the ground floor.

"So?" I cross my arms, still with my latte in my hand, but my agenda now inside my bag.

"Good, you've got coffee for me, that explains why it took you so long," He speaks sarcastically. The next second he takes my latte away, drinks it carelessly, and starts walking. What the hell?

"Hey! That's mine and I drank that!" I hiss, not wanting to catch others' attention while following him.

"So you want it back?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Well, not anymore now that you contaminated it."

He shrugs, "Okay then." He takes me outside the building, leading me in front of an expensive-looking Bentley Mulsanne. He's 18 already, that means he can drive in Britain. He surprisingly opens and holds the door for me to get in, and I give him my infamous snarl before sitting onto the shotgun seat. He shuts the door carefully and gets in himself.

"Where are we going?" I finally ask after a few silent moments with the satisfying low hums of the engine.

"The nearby Harrods. I need your help with choosing a gift." He examines my face, "Is that okay for you?"

"Isn't it a little late to ask?" I retort, shrugging. His face shows a little sign of being sorry, and I hate to admit, but it kind of melted me. Ugh, shiver. "Yeah, it's okay."

"Good." He smirks as the evil side of him resurfaces.

We arrive the mall pretty quickly, and I have to admit that Noah Cadwell is an alright driver. Ok. Alright is an understatement. The guards at the doors seem to recognise him in a moment and rush to open the door for us. He nods at the guards and walks in, me following closely behind.

It's a good thing that we're in our uniforms, so people won't think I'm a misfit beside him. Wait, why would I want to fit him? Am I having a fever? I raise my hand to actually check and earns a raised eyebrow from Noah. We enter the jewellery section of the mall, and he stops in front of Swarovski. Who's the gift-receiver again?

"Mr Cadwell! Here to pick the final necklace? I've got your three choices right here today." The lady behind the counter politely says.

"Yes," he replies.

"Okay, wait a second, let me go get them." She states before going to the back of the store.

"Aww, for your girlfriend?" I mock him, but a slightly stuffy feeling inside my chest forms.

"I wouldn't call my mother my girlfriend." He chuckles, "What, jealous?"

"No possible way." I roll my eyes, trying not to embarrass myself.

"It's her birthday today. And I really need to settle on which one to give her."

The lady returns with three delicate boxes and carefully places them on the glass counter. She opens them for display, "As requested, these are the ones made with our highest quality Austria crystals." The three necklaces are absolutely stunning, the first one is a longer necklace with bits of crystals everywhere, the second is made with yellowish crystals and is a little shorter, the last one has two layers made with countless of small geometric crystals, looking like stars.

I think I lost myself by staring at these beauties as Cadwell nudges me softly. "This one, for sure," I point at the last box, the two layer one. "But will your mother like it?"

"She likes everything I give her, I presume. It's nice enough." He looks at me for a while, running his fingers through his sleek hair. "The last one, please," he informs the lady his final decision and puts his card on the counter.

"Great choice, I'll pack it now."

After a pretty quiet ride, Cadwell drops me off in front of the dorm building. It's now almost the time of curfew, so I quickly bid him goodbye and thank him for the ride. He just nods, but as I am turning around, he lowers the window and calls. "Wait, Forte!"

"Yeah?" I stop in my tracks.

"Thanks for coming."

"You're very welcome." I make a face, then hurry back into the building.

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Here to recommend a good song. Check out the Feast. remix of What I've Done by James Hersey ;)

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