chapter four | in which allie learns his name

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As I adjust my uniform collar, my eyes catch sight of a certain guy with dark brown hair. Cadwell doesn't notice me, to my delight. Instead of heading to class right away, I call a girl who was passing by. "Hey, excuse me, can you tell me that person's name?" I ask, pointing at Cadwell.

She raises an eyebrow at me for my sudden question but answers nevertheless. "His name is Noah Cadwell. Why?"

"It's nothing, thanks," I reply, hurrying to class.

So that's his name, Noah Cadwell. The principal's son, annoying yet... charming at the same time. I don't know what's wrong with me, but this whole Cadwell thing is actually getting my interest. Later on during the day, I find out that he's in year 13, a year older than I am, and he's a gifted student, meaning that he's more intelligent than almost all of us.

I find my way to Room 35, to my first class in Academic English. Most people haven't arrived yet, and the room is quite small. There is only room for ten students, top. I notice the quiet Russian girl from my Business class, so I sit next to her. She gives me a smile, and I give her one in return.

Others start to show up, and I find Alexandre sitting next to me and three of the four Italian boys that I constantly see sitting in front of me. One with short, curly black hair and grey-blue eyes sits right opposite of me, whose name I find out shortly after introduction, Michelangelo. Another one with straight brown hair, dark eyes, and a slim body, Lorenzo. Lastly, comes Francesco with hair in the lightest shade of brown and dark eyes as well.

Lorenzo and Francesco are usually quiet in class, but Michelangelo is always asking the teacher mostly unnecessary and funny questions. I look to my right, Alex is scribbling lots of notes down. Michelangelo stands up after the teacher goes out to get us the printed worksheets. He grins to Lorenzo, who is still sitting lazily on his seat. "Let's draw pictures on the blackboard." He says, with an Italian accent.

It may not be my business, but I just can't resist as I notice that the board is white. "It's actually a whiteboard."

He seems surprised, "right, technically it is."

Yeah, take that, yo.

As the teacher returns, he sits back down, and another 30 minutes of boring lessons about Macbeth continues.

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So school is over, and I meet Melina at the door again. I'm a little tired of going out with her since she does only the things she wants, but still, I can't bring up the courage to say no because I feel bad to ditch her and well, I don't have other friends.

An hour later, I regret not being a bitch and not refusing to go with her.

She's shopping. Yes, shopping, but not shopping at Zara or Forever21 or H&M. We're at a street consists of only designer stores. Burberry, Tom Ford, Chanel, Valentino, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, only to name a few.

In conclusion, maybe I should get my shite together and say no next time.

We get back the boarding around 8, and I find my way back to my room. I decide to do laundry since I finished my homework earlier than I expected. Grabbing my bag of dirty clothing, I walk to the washing room. The room is small but very equipped. I grab a washing capsule and throw it into a washing machine with my clothes, activating the machine afterwards. I scan around the room, there are other active machines that are washing or drying clothes. It will take a while, so I enter the common room to wait. Surprisingly, there is no one in there.

And I can't find the light switch, awesome.

So I sit in the dark on a beanbag sofa, scrolling through my phone. No new emails, that means I did a good job on the other financial reports as well. I don't know how much time has passed as I hear footsteps approaching this room. I try to sit up properly, but the beanbag and my clumsy being basically do their best to prevent me from doing so.

And the person who walks in has to be him.

Well, one of them. Turns out Noah Cadwell didn't enter the common room by himself, but with the company of Michelangelo and the fourth Italian guy. I think I have some sort of weird connection with those boys. It's like I can't shake them off even if I try my best.

As Noah turns on the light, Michelangelo notices me for the first time. "Allie? What are you doing here with the lights off?"

All heads turn to me, and I blush when I realise how wrong it sounded. "No, no, it's not what you think—" Pausing, I see the Cadwell boy smirking. "I'm just waiting for my laundry, and I couldn't find the light switch."

"You two knew each other?" Noah finally speaks. Not to me, but to his friend.

"Same English class," Michelangelo shrugs and sends me a smile. "She's funny."

I grin and tries to stand up. He offers me a hand, which I happily take. "So what brought you guys here?"

"Nothing special," replies the Cadwell boy. He glances at my attire and frowns a little.

Sorry if you are not pleased with my oversized The 1975 band t-shirt and cotton shorts that are almost too short to be seen, Mr Oh-I-Wear-Formal-Clothes-All-Day-Everyday. Really, he's still wearing dress pants and a shirt, although he unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt and some parts of his shirt aren't tugged in. Does he wear a suit for pyjama? Even Michelangelo and the other guy are wearing t-shirts and chino shorts.

"What, Noah?" I ask.

He looks surprised for a second, but he quickly twists the corner of his lips into another famous smirk of his. "So you found out." It comes out more like a statement than a question.

I say nothing, turning to the blond Italian with blue eyes. He's tall, but a little shorter than Noah and Michelangelo (they're both unbelievably tall). "Hey, what's your name?"

The guy blinks a couple times before answering me, "Riccardo."

"Nice to meet you, Riccardo, I'm Allie."

See, this easy to ask for someone's name, I glare at Noah. He seems to get my message since he gives me a "So?" look.

I hear the beep sound from the washing room, and make my way to the door. "That's my cue to leave, enjoy your time here, boys."

I hope I sounded like a badarse.

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THE 1975!!!!! I don't own their band t-shirt, but a definitely want, no, NEED, one. Anyway, I hope this chapter has been pleasant, thanks for reading xx vote/comment to show your support <3

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