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{written: July 21st, 2016}
{published: August 9th, 2016}

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Luke asked with tears in his eyes, watching as his boyfriend and father to his child began to pack a suitcase.

"I mean I'm leaving, Luke. I can't take this anymore. I don't love you. I never have and I never will. You were just a good fuck to me." Justin said as he grabbed the case and began leaving the house.

"That's not true, Justin. Please tell me you're lying or that you'll be back. Please!" Luke cried.

"I'm not coming back." Justin hissed as he grabbed the doorknob.

"What about Archer?!" Justin hesitated.

"He was a mistake." Luke felt a pang in his chest, and Justin left without another word.

Luke dropped to his knees and began to cry.

He can't take care of Archer all alone.

But he's going to have to.


A few hours later, Luke drove to Archer's daycare to pick him up.

He walked through the door and saw him holding hands with a little dark haired boy.

He smiled fondly. "Archer, come on sweetheart it's time to go." At the sound of his daddy's voice, Archer's head snapped to the side and grinned widely.

"Daddy!" The boy squealed as he ran into his father's arms.

"Hey baby." Luke said with a kiss to the little boy's cheek.

Luke ran his hand through his son's jet black hair and looked into his bright blue, almost grey looking, eyes.

The boy turned around, waving and said, "Bye-bye Cal-Cal!" The little boy on the floor grinned and waved.

Luke walked himself and his son out of the daycare and buckled his son into his car seat.

"How was your day?" Luke asked as he drove home.

"Good daddy! I met Cal-Cal today!" The four year old cheered happily.

"That's neat." Luke responded.

He was trying his hardest to not break down in front of his child.

He had no idea how he was going to break the news to him.

They arrived back at their home and filed inside, Archer quickly running into the living room to play with his Legos.

"Do you want anything to eat baby?" Luke asked as he walked by.

"Dino nuggets!" The small boy yelled.

Luke chuckled and walked into the kitchen, pulling the dinosaur shaped nuggets out of the freezer and on to a prepared baking sheet, popping them into the oven.

He grabbed Archer's Spider-Man sippy cup and poured some apple juice into it.

Once the nuggets were done, the small blonde pulled out Archer's bubble guppies plate that had separators so that his food didn't touch.

He placed the nuggets into the bigger area and the ketchup into one of the smaller areas.

He carried his son's drink and food over to the table.

"Archer! Come in here and eat your food!" Obeying to his father's call, Archer came running in and pulled himself up onto the chair, swinging his feet as he sloppily ate his Dino nuggets.

As he was eating, he would play with the nuggets, having it run around the plate before dropping it in the ketchup and then shoving it into his mouth.

Archer {LASHTON}Where stories live. Discover now