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{Written: October 7th, 2016}
{Published: October 12th, 2016}

That bottom ass on point tho

Luke and Ashton had successfully packed all of Luke and Archer's things up.

Archer was still blaming Ashton and Ashton was still in pieces about it.

It was strange, Archer was acting like a defiant teenager and he's only four years old.

Nonetheless, he was being unnecessarily rude to Ashton and Luke wasn't having any of it.

"Archer. Get in the car. Now." Luke hissed at his young son as he was trying to pry his grip from the doorway as he was pulling at his legs.

"No!" Archer screamed.

"Archer!" Luke yelled back.

"No!" Archer screamed again.

"Fine. Why don't you show me how mad you are at me and cross your arms like the little pest you are?" Luke said.

Archer, being the gullible four year old he is, let go of the door to cross his arms, only to be pulled into Luke's chest and taken to the car.

"No fair! No fair! No fair!" Archer kicked and screamed as he was strapped into his car seat.

Luke closed the door and sighed.

Ashton came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, kissing the side of his head.

"It's gonna be alright baby. He'll get used to it eventually. I promise." He whispered encouragingly into the smaller boys ear.

Luke placed his hands on Ashton's arms in an attempt to embrace him back and sighed.

"I hope you're right." He said.

Ashton left a final kiss to Luke's neck and pulled back, opening the passenger door to let Luke in before closing it and getting into his own seat.

"Alright. Let's go." Ashton said before pulling out of the drive way and on to the road.


"Agh!" Archer screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Archer I swear to god." Luke said through gritted teeth.

"Daddy swore!" Archer yelled as he pointed at his dad.

"Archer that is enough! If you want to keep being this way and screaming like a fucking banshee, I will have Ashton pull this car over and I will spank your ass raw!" Luke threatened as he was turned around facing a terrified looking Archer.

"Bad words." Archer mumbled before he turned towards the window and sat quietly.

Luke sighed and turned to face forward, out the windshield.

Ashton placed his hand on Luke's thigh and looked at him for a moment, before back at the road.

Luke's jaw dropped when he saw Ashton's place.

"This, is where you live?" Luke asked incredulously.

"Uh- yea." Ashton said before clearing his throat nervously.

He parked the car in the center of the large, loop around drive way, right in front of the door.

Ashton stepped out of the car and jogged to Luke's side, opening the door for him.

Archer {LASHTON}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora