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{written: July 21st, 2016}
{published: August 24th, 2016}

It was an extremely busy day at Beef's.

Luke was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

He was so focused on working that he didn't even realize that Ashton had walked in and sat down, staring at the smaller man fondly as he ran around.

"Luke! You're needed at table five!" Luke groaned and walked over to table five.

"Hello my name is Luke and I will be your server today. Can I get you anything to drink?" He recited in the kindest voice he could muster.

"Just a tall glass of you would be nice." Luke looked up from his notepad and saw Ashton smirking at him.

"Ashton. Hey. What are you doing here?" Luke asked as he looked at the clock that said 10:50.

"Thought I'd come a little early to watch you work. You look adorable running around." Ashton said as he placed his chin in the palm of his hand.

Luke blushed and looked down.

"What do you want to eat or drink?" Luke asked.

"I'll just take a cheeseburger and dr. Pepper." Ashton said kindly.

"Okay. I'll be right back." Luke sprinted into the kitchen and threw his robe off, quickly walking to a hanging pan and using the bottom as a reflection to make sure he looks okay.

"I need two cheese burgers and fries with a pep and sweet tea!" He yelled as he continued trying to fix his unruly hair.

"What's got you actin like this?" His colleague June asked.

"There's a guy here and he's extremely attractive and we're having lunch together and I look like a mess." Luke whined.

"Wow. You already found someone new?" She asked surprised, turning Luke to look at her as she fixed his hair.

"I don't really know yet. All I know is that he is super nice and kinda flirty and that he is literally sex on legs." Luke explained with a chuckle.

"Ooh. Sounds like a keeper." June said as she finished fixing Luke's hair."

"Luke! Two cheese and fries with a pep and tea!" Luke grabbed a tray and put the plates and drinks on it, quickly thanking June before walking out.

He set the food down and placed the tray next to his chair.

"Welcome back gorgeous." Ashton winked, causing Luke to blush and look down.

When he looked up, he saw that June was waiting the table next to them and stole a few glances at Ashton.

When she went to walk away, she looked at Luke with a huge open mouthed grin and a thumbs up.

Luke covered his face with his hands and placed his elbows on the table.

"So, tell me about yourself." Ashton said, taking a bite of his burger.

"Well, I'm twenty years old. I'm gay. My favorite color is green. I have a four year old son, which you already knew, his name is Archer. His father, Justin, who I had been with for four years just recently left but, I haven't told Archer yet, he would be devastated." Luke explained.

"I'm sorry." Ashton said.

"Don't feel sorry for me please." Luke mumbled.

"I'm not." Ashton said.

Luke looked up with furrowed eyebrows.

"Look, I'm not for the pity thing either. I'm sorry that your son has to grow up without his father by his side and I'm sorry that you had to go through that but that's not what I was talking about when I said I was sorry." Ashton explained.

Archer {LASHTON}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt