Chapter 11: Oceans

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"You know my coach had something to do with that, right?" Camila mumbled to Lauren on the way back into their hotel.

"I just don't understand what the fucking problem is. We're not hurting our teams by trying to be together. We aren't fucking hurting anyone!" Lauren grumbled her frustration and cursed under her breath as they passed through the doors.

"There's no use in getting mad about it, it's none of their concern. Isn't that what you told me? What we do outside of basketball is none of their concern. There's no way they can justify their problem with us. It's on them, babe. Don't worry about it," Camila said after holding Lauren to her chest.

"I know... I know. That's just so fucking annoying," Lauren said and accepted Camila's protective hug. She sunk into her and let her arms wrap back around her.

"It's probably my fault. I didn't say anything because I had no reason to, but after I dropped you off at your room, I ran into my coach. She said that she'll see to it that it was the last time we hung out. She mentioned death row people and last meals and - I don't know, it was weird," Camila made a face. "But I guess now, I can take that as she went to go tell your coach about us, too."

"What does she have to tell? This has nothing to do with her," Lauren groaned.

"I know. She's crazy," Camila rolled her eyes, then softened up. She leaned up to kiss the creased lines of frustration in Lauren's forehead, then kissed the space between her eyebrows for good measure. "Take your mind off of it, though."

"You're cute," Lauren said, and Camila felt victorious because she'd won a smile out of her - no matter how small it may have been.

"Did you have something to do, today?" Camila questioned, glad to change the subject.

"Not really," Lauren shrugged, still too bothered to make the sexual innuendo Camila was expecting. "But you can come back to my room, since I'm sure you don't want to be with Vanessa unnecessarily."

"You're right. Come on, let's go," she encouraged her and subtly looked around for any more perpetrators. She didn't enjoy feeling like she had to sneak around anywhere with anyone, but her desire to be with Lauren outshined any unnecessary guilt she may have been feeling.

When they got inside Lauren's room, things were very quiet. Camila didn't know how to gauge Lauren's mood. Careful not to be overbearing, she kept to herself. They were sitting on the same bed, but they weren't touching. At one point, she literally twiddled her thumbs. She was outwardly upset by their coaches' rejection, although she wasn't trying to dwell on it. Lauren was stricken with guilt for making the atmosphere so awkward for Camila without knowing how to overpower her afflictions. She wanted to take her mind off of it, but it really was bothersome. Showering usually helped to clear her mind. She wanted to be happy here with Camila, not brooding about frivolous things like opinions. With that in mind, she slowly got up to head to the shower. "Babe, I'm gonna take a quick shower, okay?"

"Do you just want me to go?" Camila asked insecurely for the first time she'd been with Lauren. It was the first occurrence in this relationship, but she now felt like she was infringing on her space. Up until now, she hadn't even been talking to her. "I can come back later when-"

"No, don't," she responded quickly. "I'll be right back out. I don't want to waste time here with you by being upset. I just, I need to clear my head. And I needed to shower anyway, so, no. Don't go anywhere. It won't even take ten minutes," Lauren promised and came back to hold her over with a firm kiss.

"Okay..." Camila sighed and tried not to portray how Lauren's sadness was making her sad as well. "I'll just be here, then..."

"Unless you want to go..." Lauren paused awkwardly.

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